Lets users select (to turn on) or clear (to turn off) an option. |
A group of fields that can be shown or hidden by users, FirstClass Application Services (FCAS), or a database extension. |
Lets users select a color. |
Executes a FirstClass command when clicked. |
Links together the values of other specified fields. |
Sets numeric values on another field. |
Lets users select a date from a popup calendar. |
A row of fields that is populated with the contents of another form, then duplicated as required using a duplication button, FCAS, or a database extension. |
Lets users choose from a dropdown list of items or type their own value. |
Lets users enter or edit plain text. |
Only works with database extensions.Expands automatically to hold multiple entries. |
Opens the Browse (Windows) or standard file (Mac) dialog box. |
Only works with database extensions.Contains multiple entries in a fixed-size field that scrolls as required. |
Lets users select a font. |
Displays a list of available forms. |
Displays a line, rectangle, rounded rectangle, or oval. |
Groups related fields, such as checkboxes, within a box with a title that describes the purpose of the fields. |
Provides a label that describes a data or input field, plus other text that users can't change. |
Displays a default FirstClass icon or a custom icon. |
Displays a default FirstClass picture or a custom picture. |
Contains automatically scrolling text that users can't change. |
Standard fields, such as "Date", "From", and "To", that are normally used in the envelope portion of a message form. |
Lets users choose from a dropdown list which field to display. |
Lets users enter or edit a number. |
Provides a link to a FirstClass form with a body that can contain formatted text. |
Provides a link to a FirstClass form with a body that can't contain formatted text. |
Only works with database extensions.Shows the progress of an action, such as uploading a file. |
Offers users a group of options from which they can only select one. |
Lets users slide a control on a slider bar, or click the slider bar, to change the value by predefined increments. |
Lets users choose from a dropdown list of items. |
Contains an icon followed by a string of text. |
Creates a tabbed form. |
Displays a time period. |
Provides a link to an address accessible through the Internet or within FirstClass. |