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About slider controls
A slider control lets users slide a control button on a slider bar, or click the slider bar, to change the value in a field by predefined increments. An example is the icon resizer in the client's View Properties form.
Slider control when drawn:

Adding slider controls
1       Choose Fields > Selectors > Slider Control.
2       Add this field to the form.
3       Update the following fields on the Contents - Data tab of the Field Attributes form as required:

The default value for the field.
The minimum value allowed in the field.
The maximum value allowed in the field.
Multiplies the field value by this number before sending it to the server.
Increases or decreases the field value by this amount when the user clicks the slider.
If you specified a multiplier, we recommend that you set "Increment" to the same value as the multiplier.
4       Update the Contents - Field Control tab, if you want this field to control another field.

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