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About editable selection lists
An editable selection list:
       lets users choose from a dropdown list of items
Users can either choose from the list or type their own value.
       returns text values to the server.
Editable selection list when drawn:
Editable selection list when complete:

Adding editable selection lists
1        Choose Fields > Lists > Editable Selection List.
2       Add this field to the form.
3       Update the following fields on the Contents tab of the Field Attributes form as required:

The default list entry. This gives the list a default choice.
The list entries, separated by semicolons (;).
Dropdown icon ID
The resource ID for the icon on the dropdown list button. The value Default results in the standard down arrow.
Choose from list only
Forces users to choose from the list.
This is useful if you want the field to behave like a static selection list, but return text values to the server.

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