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About checkboxes

A checkbox lets users select (to turn on) or clear (to turn off) an option. You can make checkboxes appear within a group box.
Checkbox when drawn:
Checkbox when complete:

Adding standard checkboxes
These are the standard FirstClass checkbox states:

To add a checkbox using these states:
1       Choose Fields > Buttons & Groups > Checkbox.
2       Add this field to the form.
3       Update the following fields on the Contents - Data tab of the Field Attributes form as required:

The checkbox label.
The selected and cleared states are available.
The selected, cleared, and unchanged states are available.
The default state for the checkbox. Click this until you see the state you want to be the default.
4       Update the Contents - Field Control tab, if you want this field to control another field.

Adding customized checkboxes
You can use custom icons for your checkbox states, as in the following example:
When you draw your custom icons:
       Create two icons for each state, and create both non-3D and 3D versions (even if you only plan to use one view mode). In our example, there are two states (arrow up and arrow down) in both non-3D and 3D.
The second icon for each state is the same as the first, except for a gray background. It indicates that the checkbox is currently being clicked.
       Draw each icon with a boundary box, so that it looks like a checkbox. Draw the 3D icons' boxes so that they look 3D.
To use your customized icons:
1       Import the icons into your settings file.
You must assign resource IDs following the same kind of pattern as shown in our example. Follow these numbering guidelines:
       Number icons in the order you want them to show as a user cycles through the checkbox states. For each state, use first the unclicked, then the clicked appearance.
       Number all the non-3D icons first, incrementing each one in the cycle by 1. In our example, these are 999900 to 999903.
       Do the same numbering for the 3D icons, but add 20 to the first number. In our example, these are 999920 to 999923.
2       Choose Fields > Buttons & Groups > Checkbox.
3       Add this field to the form.
Make the checkbox field large enough to accommodate your icons.
4       Update the following fields on the Contents - Data tab of the Field Attributes form as required:

The checkbox label.
The number of states. This number does not include clicked versus unclicked, or 3D versus non-3D. The maximum number of states is 10.
For our example, we would specify two states.
The default state for the checkbox. Click this until you see the state you want to be the default.
Icon ID
The resource ID of your first icon.
In our example, this is 999900.
5       Update the Contents - Field Control tab, if you want this field to control another field.

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