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About multifield selectors
A multifield selector combines multiple fields into one displayed field, and lets users choose from a dropdown list which of the fields to display.
Users can enter values for a number of fields this way, and FirstClass will save the values for each chosen field without the need to tab out of the input field or close the form.
81203_42935_18.png        Tip
If you want users to be able to display several fields from the dropdown list simultaneously, you can create several multifield selectors, all with the same field choices.
A multifield selector consists of:

a guide text area
Displays the field label of the chosen field.
a dropdown button
Opens the list of field choices.
an associated text field
Takes on the field ID of the field chosen in the multifield selector.
This populates the text field with any value contained in the field that has that field ID.

Multifield selector when drawn:
Multifield selector when complete:

Adding multifield selectors
1       Choose Fields > Buttons & Groups > Multifield Selector.
2       Add the field to the form.
Place this field in a standard field label position (to the left or above) in relation to the associated text field.
3       Update the following fields on the Contents tab of the Field Attributes form:

Field labels
The field labels and related field IDs for the fields you want as choices. One of these must be the field ID saved in FirstClass Designer for the associated text field. Type this information in the following format, separating each field with a semicolon (;):
field label=field ID
For example, to add home phone (ID 1020) and business phone (ID 1030) field choices, type
Home phone=1020;Business phone=1030
Associated field ID
The field ID saved in FirstClass Designer for the associated text field.

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