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Using the FirstClass Directory
The Directory is a database containing the names of all global objects defined on your FirstClass system (users, conferences, public mail lists, groups, calendars, remote names). The FirstClass server consults the Directory when a user performs the following tasks:
•       logging in
•       addressing mail
•       sending mail.
Users can consult the Directory to find the name of a user or conference to which they want to address mail. You can display the Directory by choosing Collaborate > Directory.

Using the administrator's Directory
As the administrator, you have a more powerful search mechanism, the Admin > List Directory command. This allows you to filter the Directory listing, selecting the types of objects to be displayed, and their sort order. You can search the for any entry (for example, a user or a conference) and perform common administrative functions on accounts.
Listing Directory entries
To list all entries in the administrator's Directory, click Search.
You can refine the list before you click Search by:
•       using the "Pattern" field just as regular users do
•       choosing the field you want to match at "Search"
If you choose By User ID, remote names and routes will not appear in the list because they do not have user IDs. If you select By User Group, you must type the group name exactly at "Pattern".
•       selecting the types of objects you want to list.
"Other" includes user groups and mail lists in the list.
The List Directory looks like this:

Selecting multiple entries
To select a block of continuous entries, click the first one, then Shift-click the last one in the block. To select discontinuous entries, click the first one, then Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) the others. You can combine these selection methods.
Performing multiple searches
You can perform multiple searches and use "push pins" to save the results of each search.
To perform multiple searches:
1       Perform the first search.
2       Click the push pin column at the left beside each result you want to save.
3       Perform the next search.
        The results with the push pins will stay and the others will be cleared from the list.
If the new search results move the push pinned results out of sight, you can click the push pin column heading to bring all push pinned results to the top.
To clear a push pin from a result, click the push pin icon.
Performing administrative tasks from the administrator's Directory
Once you have executed your search, you can manipulate user data directly from the List Directory. Select the user you want to change, and then select:
•       Edit to edit this user’s User Information form
•       Audit to run a single audit on this user
•       Desktop to open this user’s Desktop
•       Delete to permanently remove this user from your system
•       Message to address mail to this user.
Select New User to add a new user to your FirstClass system.

Understanding Directory filtering
Directory filtering allows the administrator to control what people can see in your FirstClass Directory. When no Directory filtering is used, anyone added to any group can see all the entries in the Directory. If users can’t see things, it makes it a lot harder for them to post to them. Filters let us make sure users only see names they should be able to post to, or at least be aware of.
You can control how much of your system can be viewed in the Directory in several ways:
•       You can make a user account, conference, or public mail list unlisted.
Only users with the View Unlisted privilege can see unlisted users in the Directory.
Making users unlisted is discussed here, making conferences unlisted is discussed here, and making public mail lists unlisted is discussed here.
•       You can allow members of user groups to view only selected user groups, conference groups, or conferences in the Directory using the Group Privileges form.
•       You can allow specific individual users to view selected user user groups, conference groups, or conferences in the Directory using the User Information form.
Creating Directory filters
You can filter the Directory at the user group level, or at the user level. We recommend setting Directory filters for user groups instead of individual users since this gives you more uniformity in your system and makes it easier to administer. Set Directory filters at the user level for special privileges only.
To set Directory filters at the group level, use the Directory tab on the Group Privileges form.
To set Directory filters at the user level, use the Directory tab on the User Information form.
Default Directory filters
By default the Directory is unrestricted for all standard groups with the exception of the Unauthenticated Users group. This group is filtered so members can see only members of Web Names, Web Conferences, and Web Calendars groups.

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