Verifying VS connectivity
Calling VS to check for connectivity
The first step in verifying your hardware install is to call Voice Services. Attempt both a call answer and a login session.
If you are able to connect for a login session, but not a call answer session, check the server console. If there is a 1003 error (username or password error), there is a problem with the Call Answer voice password. To fix this, open the Call Answer User Information form and ensure there is a numeric password in the Voice Password field on the User Information form. Then open the Callans.fc settings file to ensure the same numeric password is saved on this form.
If both the login and call answer tests fail, or if you receive a message that there is no connection to the server, check the Voice Services Monitor.
Voice Services Monitor
On startup, the status on the Voice Services Monitor will be green (this may take a few seconds).
The Voice Services status on the Server Monitor will be green as well if Voice Services is active and connected to the server.
If the status on either monitor remains black, verify all Voice Services hardware and software configurations as explained below.
Verify hardware install
Verify hardware install - Dialogic D42/D82 voice board configurations only
Check the Dialogic Configuration Manager to ensure the Dialogic voice and fax boards are running. If they are, you will see something like the following:
To verify the status of each voice and fax channel, choose Debug > Display channel status on the Voice Services console. Click here for other console options.
Verify hardware install - TI/E1 configuration only
Check the Dialogic Configuration Manager to ensure the Dialogic voice and fax boards are running. If they are, you will see something like the following:
When the boards are running, there is a green icon next to each and the System Service Status is Running.
If the Dialogic boards are installed and configured correctly and they are running, run ISDIAG.
ISDIAG is a diagnostics tool that was installed when you ran the Dialogic setup that is used to troubleshoot ISDN connectivity.
If the T1 line is not plugged in, you will see something like this:
If the T1 line is connected and there is D-channel connectivity, you will see something like the following:
If the T1 line is connected, but there is no D-channel connectivity, the top row on the right side will show the following:
For full documentation about ISDIAG, see the Dialogic documentation you installed during the Dialogic setup.
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