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Creating the Input Files folder
You need to have a folder on your client machine to store the user statistics files you download from your server. These statistics files are processed by the Log Analyzer to generate user statistics reports.
Create the statistics file storage folder and note its location on your client machine.
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If your client machine is connected to the server via a network, you can set your Input Files folder location directly to the statistics files folder on the server instead of creating an Input Files folder. This eliminates the need to download the statistics files from the server onto the client machine. The file path to the folder is specified at "Statistics folder path" on the Statistics Control form, located in the Reports folder on the administrator's Desktop.

Downloading the statistics files
To download statistics files from the server, you need to have access to the Volumes folder on the administrator's Desktop.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
You can also have access to the Volumes folder if the administrator adds its alias to your Desktop.
Downloading user statistics files
1       Launch the FirstClass Client and log in to the administrator's account.
2       Open the Statistics Control form from the Reports folder on the administrator's Desktop, and make a note of the Statistics folder path.
3       Open the Volumes folder on the administrator's Desktop and navigate to the Statistics folder path.
4       Select the statistics files that you wish to analyze and choose File > Download.
        81203_42521_14.png        Note
Select only statistics files that have been generated by the 8.0 server. Statistics files generated by earlier versions of the server will not be processed.
5       Save the files to your Input Files folder location when prompted.
Downloading the disk use statistics file
1       Launch the FirstClass Client and log in to the administrator's account.
2       Open the Volumes folder on the administrator's Desktop.
3       Double-click the volume containing the server's network store.
4       Double-click the FCNS folder.
5       Double-click the Stats.dir folder.
6       Select DiskUse.txt and choose File > Download.
7       Save the file to your Input Files folder location when prompted.  

Setting the statistics file type
For user statistics files
The settings in the Statistics Control form and the regional settings of the operating system of the server machine determine the user statistics statistics file format. If you want to process user statistics files, you need to configure the Log Analyzer to use that format.
The first step is to find and set your user statistics file type. This information is found in the Statistics Control form at "Log format". You can also navigate to the Input Files folder, and open a user statistics statistics file to examine the format yourself, in case the setting has been changed since that file was generated.
There are two types of user statistics files:
•       Default (8.0) file format
This is an example of a user statistics file in the default (8.0) format:
8.0 log file.png
If your user statistics files are in the default (8.0) format, you do not need to configure the Log Analyzer as the format settings are fixed. Choose Default(8.0) at "Log Type" and the fields under the Log, Date and Time Format tab become uneditable. You can now generate user statistics reports.
•       7.1 compatible file format
This is an example of a user statistics file in 7.1 compatible format:
7.1 log file0.png
If your user statistics files are in 7.1 compatible format, click Settings from the Log Analyzer main window and choose 7.1 compatible at "Log Type". Then go to the Log, Date and Time Format tab in Statistics Log to change your format settings to match your statistics files.
For the disk use statistics file
If you want to process the disk use statistics file, choose DiskUse at "Log Type" and you are ready to generate DiskUse reports.

Adjusting your statistics file format settings (7.1 compatible format only)
If your server generates 7.1 compatible user statistics files, you must manually set the proper format configurations in the Log Analyzer before it can generate user statistics reports. Since these settings depend on the format of the existing statistics files, we recommend that you check the settings in the Statistics Control form, as well as open a statistics file, before making any changes. Navigate to the Input Files folder and open one of the user statistics files.
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Select a statistics file with different single digits for both day and month, such as June 5 (month=6, day=5). This will aid you in determining how your statistics files display dates with single digits.
Setting the delimiting character
The delimiting character separates each segment of information within each entry in the statistics file. The specific character used can vary and depends on the settings in the Statistics Control form.
Choose the proper delimiting character from the pulldown menu under "Statistics Logging" according to the format that you see in your statistics file.
7.1 log delimiter.png
The above delimiters translate to the following format:
7.1 statistics logging.png
Selecting a fixed or variable format
Select Fixed under "Date and Time Format" if your statistics files are set to use the fixed date and time format, as specified in the Statistics Control form. Otherwise select Variable to manually change the date and time format to match the operating system's regional settings.
Setting the date format (variable format only)
The date format can vary depending on the regional settings on your operating system. Since different locales display their dates differently, you should exercise caution when setting the date format in the Log Analyzer. The delimiting character which separates the day, month, and year of the system date may also vary depending on the operating system's regional settings.
Choose the proper date format and date delimiter from the pulldown menus under "Date" according to the format that you see in your statistics file.
7.1 log date0.png
The above date translates to the following format:
7.1 date.png
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Be sure you choose the proper number of digits for the year, month, and day. The two digit setting for the month and day means that the statistics files use two digits for single digit dates such as 01.
Setting the time format (variable format only)
The statistics files have two formats for time depending on the operating system's regional settings: 12-hour and 24-hour. The 12-hour time looks the same as the 24 hour time except that it includes two extra characters for AM or PM. The delimiting character that separates the hour, minute, and second of the system time can also vary depending on the regional settings.
Choose the proper time format and time delimiter from the pulldown menus under "Time" according to the format that you see in your statistics file.
7.1 log time0.png
The above time translates to the following format:
Setting the logging frequency
The server logs the data in files by month or by day depending on the settings in the Statistics Control form. You can select either Daily or Monthly under "Period" based on this setting.
81203_42935_18.png        Tip
You can also see whether your server logs files daily or monthly without checking the Statistics Control form. To do this, look at the names of the statistics files that you have downloaded. A monthly server log will be named by the month and year, while a daily server log will be named by the date (day, month, and year).

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