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In order to generate statistics reports with the Log Analyzer, you need to perform the following procedures:
1       If you want to process user statistics files
Configure the appropriate report settings and options.
2       If you want to process a disk use statistics file
Set your DiskUse report preferences.
3       Download the latest statistics files so that your reports are up to date.
4       Process your statistics files.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
The user statistics file that is generated the day (for daily statistics files) or month (for monthly statistics files) the server is licensed will be processed in Demo Mode if the first line of the file is generated before the time of licensing. The first line will indicate an unlicensed server with the number 0 as shown below:
unlicensed log file0.png
To get the Log Analyzer to fully process the file, open it from your Input Files folder, cut out all the information generated while the server was unlicensed, including the first line, and paste it into a new text document. The first line of the statistics file should now be the line that indicates a licensed server, which looks similar to the original first line but has the number 1 in place of the 0.

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