Problems using FirstClass Personal
If an error occurs while you are working offline, FirstClass Personal reports the error in a message sent to your offline Mailbox. For more information on a specific error, contact your administrator.
You can't work offline
Make sure that FirstClass Personal has been installed correctly. Both the FirstClass Personal application and your FCPS folder must be in the FirstClass application folder.
FirstClass Personal doesn't connect to the server
Possible reasons for this error are:
• your settings file is not configured correctly
• FirstClass Personal is not configured correctly
Make sure the user ID and password are correct in FirstClass Personal's settings.
• a modem connection failed.
No matching names found in Directory
When you are addressing a message, this error may occur because:
• you entered the name incorrectly
• you do not have an offline copy of the Directory, or it is out of date.
If you specified that you did not want to replicate Directory information offline, you must configure FirstClass Personal to accept unknown names.
You can't access a conference
Possible reasons for this error are:
• conference replication is not set up correctly
Remember to create a copy in the online version of your Offline Conferences folder for every conference you want to access using FirstClass Personal.
• automatic conference replication is disabled
Either reconfigure FirstClass Personal to specify that you want conferences to replicate on each connection, or connect manually.
• you were never granted access to the conference
Contact the conference owner to verify whether you have access to this conference.
• you don't have permission to see the conference.
You have the same access permissions offline as you do online, so you will not be able to view conferences in FirstClass Personal that you cannot view online.
You get an error when FirstClass Personal tries to replicate
Check with your administrator to make sure that you are allowed to work offline.
FirstClass Personal console
The FirstClass Personal console records offline activity as you use FirstClass Personal. To view the console, click the FirstClass Personal icon on the taskbar:
To record more detail in the console, choose one of the following:
• Personal > Trace Connection Activity
Records detailed information about connection activity.
• Personal > Enable Replication Log.
Records detailed information about replication.
FirstClass Personal log
The FirstClass Personal log records offline activity as you use FirstClass Personal. This log is a text file that you can view with any application that displays plain text files.
This log is located in your FirstClass application folder. It is called fcspra.log.