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Starting FirstClass Personal
If you are currently connected to a server
To start FirstClass Personal:
1       Choose Collaborate > Work Offline > Connect Offline.
2       Supply the settings file, user ID, and password that you want to use to connect to the server when working offline.
3       Click Login.
If you are not currently connected to a server
To start FirstClass Personal:
1       Start FirstClass.
2       Supply the settings file, user ID, and password that you want to use to connect to the server when working offline.
3       Click Work Offline.
If this is the first time you have used FirstClass Personal
The Registration form opens when you start FirstClass Personal, showing the settings file and user ID with which you logged in. Ensure that this is how you want to connect to the server when working offline, then type your password.
The first time you work offline, FirstClass Personal may take several minutes to replicate information.

Your offline Desktop
Your offline Desktop looks much like your online Desktop. It may contain offline versions of your Mailbox and personal calendar, plus an Offline Conferences folder containing copies of the conferences and public calendars you set up for offline work.

Setting up your offline conferences
To save disk space, FirstClass Personal does not automatically show all the conferences to which you have access when you are connected to your server. You must tell FirstClass Personal which conferences you want to work with offline. You will have the same permissions for a conference offline as you do online; if you are not allowed to post to a conference online, you will not be able to do so offline.
After you have specified your offline conferences, the next time you work offline, FirstClass Personal replicates any unread messages that are in these conferences. Within the offline version of your Offline Conferences folder, you will only see those conferences that contain unread mail. FirstClass Personal only creates these conferences offline when they contain unread mail.
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You can set up offline public calendars just as you do conferences.
Specifying offline conferences
To tell FirstClass which conferences to show offline:
1       Log into your server.
2       Choose Collaborate > Work Offline > Open Offline Conferences, if you have not yet started FirstClass Personal.
The Offline Conferences window opens, and the Offline Conferences folder is placed on your Desktop, if it is not already there.
3       Select a conference that you want to access offline.
4       Choose Collaborate > Add to Desktop.
5       Drag the newly created link from your Desktop to the Offline Conferences folder.
6       Continue adding links to your Desktop and dragging them to your Offline Conferences folder until you have specified all the conferences you want to work with offline.
Removing offline conferences
If you no longer want to access a conference offline, delete it from both the offline and online versions of your Offline Conferences folder.

Reading and responding to messages offline
You can read, save, print, forward, or reply to messages offline just as you would when working online.
You receive new mail when FirstClass Personal connects to your server. At that time, copies of unread messages are replicated. After replication, the online copies of these messages are no longer flagged as unread.
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When you read a message using FirstClass Personal, that message's history just indicates that the message was routed to you.
Deleting a message from your offline Mailbox or an offline conference does not affect the online copy of the message.

Sending messages offline
You can send messages offline just as you would when you work online. When you are addressing messages to users rather than to conferences, you can use your offline Directory as an aid.
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Names that appear local when you work online look remote when you work offline. For example, Lou Kosta becomes Lou Kosta,HuskyPlanes in your offline Directory.
Your new messages are sent when FirstClass Personal connects to your server. To deliver a message immediately, choose Collaborate > Work Offline > Replicate Now.

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