Related Topics
This document contains X-FC tags tags grouped by scope (the context in which the tags function) and a description of what each tag does and how it works.
Internet Services script X-FC tags are separated into six categories:
• Session and site tags
These tags work in all templates and server-parsed files.
• Global tags
These tags work in all templates.
• Container listing tags
These tags work only in the actual list templates.
• Calendaring tags
These tags work in all templates.
• Directory listing tags
These tags work in the -101 Directory listing template.
• Forms
These tags work in all forms.
For an overview of using X-FC tags, see About X-FC tags.
Session and site tags
Session and site tags access data about the current session or web site. This tag category includes various bits of information about the:
• server
• current user
• browser the user is using
• current request Internet Services is processing on the user's behalf.
Since this information is the same anywhere you go in the FirstClass site, they are available to all templates and server-parsed files.
Used to output the URL to the background picture selected for a given page.
These images can come either from the .sitepref form (field 5700) or from the container's layout information, if the current object is a container .
Retrieves the URL of the background image specified on the.sitepref form.
Retrieves the URL of the background image for a container specified in that container's layout.
If no layout image is defined, defaults to the .sitepref form background image.
Use the UPPER, LOWER, LEFT or RIGHT parameter to specify which pane you want the background image for.
Internet Services only supports one split in a container, UPPER is the same as LEFT and LOWER is the same as RIGHT. If the container is in non-split view, the one pane visible is the UPPER or LEFT one.
Formatting Arguments
HTML URL is output in the form 'background="The URI"' suitable for use in an HTML <body> tag
If there is no background picture defined, nothing is output.
STYLE URL is output in the form 'background-image:url(The URI);background-repeat:[no-]repeat;' suitable for use in a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).
Background pictures do not repeat (tile) except in containers if explicitly set to do so.
Image names and locations
There are a number of possible locations where Internet Services searches for an image defined in the .sitepref form or container layout. The supported image formats vary from location to location, and in which location Internet Services looks for a particular image is determined from the name:
Location 1 relative to the current object
Image types any
Activated by the first two characters of the image name are "./" (period and forward-slash).
This prefix will be trimmed off in the URL sent to the browser, for example "./LocalImage.jpg" would be trimmed to just "LocalImage.jpg".
Location 2 absolute URL
Image types any
Activated by the image name starts with / or http://
This URL will be sent literally to the browser.
Location 3 current user's homepage folder
Image types any
Activated by the first character of the image name is '~" (Tilda)
For example, for user John Doe, an image name of "~UserBG.png" might be converted to "".
Location 4 Internet Services resource files
Image types Mac PICT format
Activated By the Image name does not fit any of the criteria above and does not have an extension
In this case, Internet Services will look for the image in the current lang.rez file. If it can't find it there, it will then fall back to the pictures.rez file.
Location 5 site "Images" folder
Image Types any
Activated By the Image name does not match any of the criteria listed above
Accesses information about the user's browser.
Outputs the browsers complete user-agent header. Exact contents and format vary from browser to browser.
Outputs the name of the browser.
Returns 1 if the name of the browser matches Name, 0 otherwise. Comparison is case-insensitive.
Outputs the name of the operating system the browser is running on.
Returns 1 if the name of the operating system the browser is running on starts with Os. Comparison is case-insensitive.
• <X-FC-BROWSER Version>
Outputs the version of the browser.
NAME returns the name of the browser
OS returns the operating system the browser is running on
VERSION returns the version of the browser
Accesses a resource from the current lang.rez file.
This is a X-FC-FIELD variant.
• <X-FC-FIELD LANG.CMD.CmdID.Index [DEFAULT=DefaultValue] [Format]>
Used to access the tooltips for various toolbar commands.
• <X-FC-FIELD LANG.SingleStringID [DEFAULT=DefaultValue] [Format]>
Used to retrieve a single string resource.
A single string resource is not the same as a "plain" string resource).
• <X-FC-FIELD LANG.StringID.Index [DEFAULT=DefaultValue]
Used to retrieve a string resource (a single string resource is not the same as a "plain" string resource).
• <X-FC-FIELD LANG.FormID.FieldID.PropertyID [DEFAULT=DefaultValue] [Format]>
Used to retrieve data about various controls on a form. FieldID 0 retrieves data about the form itself.
For details on the formatting the Format argument, see Format argument.
Accesses data from the user's preferences or the local (.sitepref) or .sitepref form.
<X-FC-FIELD PREFS.FieldID[.Index] [DEFAULT=DefaultValue] [Format]>
This is an X-FC-FIELD variant. For details on formatting the Format variable, see Format argument.
This tag finds the specified field in the current user's preferences. If it fails to find it there then it will look in the site's local site preferences form first and then the .sitepref form, if no local form is found.
Outputs the ISO code for the first language or dialect in the browser's accept-language header that Internet Services supports.
This is the language that Internet Services attempts to use in the templates and for online help.
Most browsers allow you to configure your preferred language in your preferences. The language(s) you select will form the content of the browser's accept-language header.
Outputs a unique session identifier URL (if the user is logged in) that Internet Services uses to identify the user and prevent caching issues with misconfigured internet proxies. If the user is not logged in, this tag returns a single forward slash.
Outputs a version of the user's current request URL suitable for use by the FirstClass Java Chat application.
Outputs the current user request.
By default, no modification is made on the URL the user requests.
BASE This switch causes Internet Services to strip off any "action" url fragment that is not part of the base object's URL, such as "FormEdit" on an editable document or "Lookup" on a directory search. This is often useful when trying to specify a template override, or object relative operation.
SLASH This switch forces the URL to have a trailing slash, whether or not it would normally have one. This is useful in preventing double-slashes, that may confuse some browsers, if you aren't sure whether or not the template you are writing may be used for a container.
NOSLASH This switch suppresses any trailing slash on the URL, whether or not it would normally have one. Useful for much of the same reasons SLASH is.
Outputs the URL of a the folder that is the parent of the current object.
By default, no modification is made on the URL of the current object's parent.
SLASH This switch forces the URL to have a trailing slash, whether or not it would normally have one. Useful in preventing double-slashes that can confuse some browsers if you aren't sure whether or not the template you are writing may be used for a container or not.
NOSLASH This switch suppresses any trailing slash on the URL, whether or not it would normally have one. Useful for much of the same reasons SLASH is.
Extracts various data about the server and its current configuration.
<X-FC-SERVER dataytpe>
Dataype is one of these options:
Returns 1 or 0.
Returns 1 or 0.
Returns 1 or 0.
Returns the name of the server.
Returns the SATimeZone for the server.
Returns the server charset.
Returns the version of the server.
Returns the version of IS.
Returns the fcp version being used between IS and the Server.
Returns 1 or 0.
• UseDSLogin
Informs Internet Services that the server is using Directory Services to log in.
Outputs the name of the server as defined on the system profile.
Outputs the current server time. By default, the time is output in the server's time zone.
SERVER outputs the time in the server's native time zone (this is the default)
USER outputs the time in the user's preferred time zone
FORM outputs the time in that time zone, if the current object is a form with a time zone field
If the object is not a form, or if the form does not have a timezone field, falls back to USER.
UTC outputs the time in universal time (for example, Greenwich Mean Time)
Format See ee Date formats
Used to access the value of a given URL parameter in the current request.
It is particularly useful for assigning URL param values to Internet Services script variables for later processing. By default, this tag just outputs the value of the named parameter, or nothing if that parameter doesn't exists, but there are 2 switches which are occasionally useful.
In HTTP, any URL can have an arbitrary number of query parameters (also known as URL parameters), which are the form ParamName=ParamValue and are separated by ampersands "&". The query parameters must occur at the end of the URL and are separated from it by a question mark "?". For example,¶meter2=value2 and so on.
EXISTS Instead of outputting a value, this switch causes the X-FC-URL-PARAMETER tag to just check for the presence of a given URL parameter. It returns 1 if it is present in the current request, 0 otherwise.
NUMBER This switch forces the value output by X-FC-URL-PARAMETER to be a numeric value. If the value of the parameter is not a number, or if the parameter is not present, 0 is output.
ESCAPE This argument escapes the URL
Accesses various data about the current user.
Returns 1 if the user is a logged in registered user, 0 if the user is unauthenticated or logged into a guest account.
Outputs the current user's UserID. If the user is unauthenticated, returns nothing.
Outputs the current user's Name. If the user is unauthenticated, returns nothing.
Outputs the current user's password, providing the user logged in with a plain text password. If the user is unauthenticated, returns nothing.
Outputs the current user's MD5 challenge string, providing the user logged in using MD5. If the user is unauthenticated, returns nothing.
Outputs the MD5 Digest of current user's password, providing the user is logged in using MD5. If the user is unauthenticated, returns nothing.
• <X-FC-USER <DiskData><Format>>
Outputs either the DISKUSE or DISKQUOTA of a current user.
• <DiskData> is either DISKUSE or DISKQUOTA
• <Format> is either blank (receives data in bytes), SCALED (scales data to the most convenient factor bytes, K, M, and so on), or UNLIMITED (returns 1 if quote is unlimited otherwise 0)
• <X-FC-USER PRIV [Privilege]*>
Outputs the current user's privilege level. If no privileges are specified, what is output is a bitmask of all the current user's privileges. If one or more privileges are specified, the tag will output 1 if the user possesses all of the specified privileges, 0 otherwise. Privilege names are case insensitive.
The privileges refer to the various privilege checkboxes on the User Information Form and Group Privileges form.
Following is a list of the available privileges, their numeric values in the bitmask, and a brief description of their functions in this order:
• Privilege
Bitmask value
• Administrator
user is the administrator or a subadministrator
• Upload
user may upload files to the system
• Chat
user may use the chat feature
• Mail
user may create and send private mail and create items on own Desktop
• Conferencing
user may send mail to conferences
• ViewResumes
user may view other users' resumes
• CmdLineAccess
user may log in using the CLUI
• GUIAccess
user may log in using the FirstClass client
• Search
user may use the search feature
• ChgPrefs
user may edit their preferences, resume, and password
• SeePrivate
user may see unlisted users and conferences
• Download
user may download files from the system
• CrtConfs
user may create conferences
• EditPrivate
user may edit own or other user information forms
• Unread
user may use the toggle unread feature
• Unsend
user may use the unsend feature
• Urgent
user may set the priority and sensitivity of own messages
• ViewUserData
user may view own or other user information forms
• Forward
user may use the forward feature
• Receipt
user may use receipting options for messages
• AutoMail
user may use the autoreply and autoforward features
• AddrBook
user may create and use Contact Manager
• SetExpiry
user may set expiry dates for content
• NoUserExpiry
user account does not expire
• WorkOffline
user sync with FC Personal
• HomePage
user may create and use a Home Page folder
• InternetAccess
user may log in using the web interface
• Calendaring
user may create and use a personal Calendar
• VoiceAccess
user may log in using the telephone user interface (requires FirstClass Voice Services)
• InternetImport
user may create and use a mail import form
• Internet Import
User can configure their own "Mail Import" form
• FileSharing
User can create a "shared documents" folder
• ChgPassword
User can change their own password (previously part of the "ChgPrefs" privilege)
• ViewPresence
• PublicChat
User can join a public chat
• AutoForward
User can configure auto-forward (previously part of the "AutoMail" privilege)
• CrtResume
User can create/edit their own resumes or conferences (ability to edit own resume was previously part of the "ChgPrefs" privilege)
• MailRules
User can create/edit mail rules (previously this was part of the AutoMail and SetExpiry privileges).
• MailboxACL
User can configure permissions on their mailbox (previously part of the SetExipry privilege)
• EditPresence
• Call
User can use the "call" feature (requires Voice Services)
• CrtCalendar
User can create group/resource/location calendars
• CrtContact
User can create sharable contact databases
• EditOrgDirNames
User can publish names to the OrgDir
• CrtChat
User can create public chats
• VoiceMenus
User can create/edit voice menus
• CopyClip
User can copy data to the clipboard in the FirstClass client
• SaveLocal
User can save data locally in the FirstClass client
• Printing
User can print data in the FirstClass client
• WebAccess
User can log in using HTTP (previously part of the "Ineternet Access" privilege)
• DirAccess
User can log in using LDAP (previously part of the "Ineternet Access" privilege)
• FileAccess
User can log in using CIFS/FTP (previously part of the "Internet Access" privilege)
Global tags
Global tags access information that is common to all FirstClass objects. These can be used in any template but have no relevance in a .shtml file.
Creates an fcp:// link to the current object.
If your machine is configured correctly, clicking on this link will open the object using the FirstClass client.
Specifies the name of the settings file to use
Uses 1 or 0 to indicate whether or not the fcp URL generated should be authenticated.
The majority of FirstClass data is stored in chunks known as "fields". A given field will generally contain a single piece of data; a single number, for instance, or a string. Every control on every form maps to one of these fields that are stored on the server, as are the user and site preferences. Moreover, the formatting of the controls themselves (their width, height, default value, and so on) can also be extracted from the lang.rez file as field data. The X-FC-FIELD tag accesses these fields and is one of the most important tags in the Internet Services script library.
<X-FC-FIELD FieldSpecifier [DefaultValue] [Format]
FieldSpecifier argument
The FieldSpecifier argument is used to specify where to find the required field data. Currently, there are three possible sources of this data, the current object (for example, the message/form/conference, and so on that is being rendered), the user's preferences, site preferences or both, and the currently active lang.rez file.
Depending on where the field data is stored, the number and type of arguments needed will vary. For data stored in the current object or in the preferences there are usually one or two arguments: a FieldID and an Index that is usually optional. For field data stored in the lang.rez file, the number of arguments depends on the type of resource in which it is stored. For "Single String" resource, there is one argument, the ResourceID. For "String" resource, there are two arguments: ResourceID and Index. For "Form" resources, there are three arguments: the Resource (Form) ID, the FieldID and a PropertyID).
The possible formats for the FieldSpecifier argument are:
This retrieves field data from the currently opened object.
The Index portion of the argument is usually optional. If it is excluded, then it is assumed to be 0.
The majority of fields only have index 0, for those that don't, the number of available indices can be determined using X-FC-FIELD-COUNT. At present, indexed field data only occurs in connection with "Expanding group" controls or special calendaring fields.
• PREFS.FieldID[.Index]
This syntax is used to extract data from the user or site preferences.
While this syntax does include support for indexed field data, this data does not presently exist in any shipping FirstClass preferences or site preferences forms.
• LANG.ResourceID
This syntax is used to retrieve a "Single String" resource from the lang.rez file
• LANG.ResourceID.Index
This syntax is used to retrieve "String" resource from the lang.rez file
• LANG.FormID.FieldID.PropertyID
This syntax is used to retrieve field data from at form resource from the lang.rez file. You can treat the following FirstClass Designer resource types as forms: "Local Form", "Document Form", "Registered Form", "Database Query", "Reserved" and "Toolbar"
• FORM.PropertyID
This is a shorthand for LANG.CurrentFormID.0.PropertyID. This syntax may only be used reliably in message and document forms. It can be used in some system forms, but may never be used in conference listings, search listings or memforms.
• FORM.FieldID.PropertyID
This is a shorthand for LANG.<CurrentFormID>.FieldID.PropertyID. The same limitations as the FORM.PropertyID syntax apply here.
• CMD.CommandID.Index
This syntax is used to retrieve a string resource associated with a FirstClass menu command. Using this syntax will ensure that the retrieved string is for the correct platform (internet), and that any menu hot key designator is properly removed.
• ERR.ErrorID
This syntax is used to retrieve a string resource associated with a given FirstClass error code.
PREFS uses these fieldspecifier arguments as field lookup locations for X-FC-FIELD. These arguments can be used to look in either the user preferences or the site preferences. For most fields, PREFS looks in the user preferences first and, if nothing is found, falls back to the site preferences.
Gets field data from the "late" field data bag (instead of the "normal" one). Used only in chat. (the optional NDX argument gets the data by bag index, instead of field id)
Gets field data from the "calendar" field data bag. User only in calendar listings. (the optional NDX argument gets the data by bag index, instead of field id)
Gets field data based on its position in the "normal" bag (instead of fieldid/fieldindex)
Gets field data from the "normal" bag. Suppresses the inclusion of the "calendar" bag in calendar listings.
DefaultValue argument
The DefaultValue argument is used to specify a value to be used if the field designated by the FieldSpecifier argument cannot be retrieved. Default values can be either hard coded or retrieved from the current lang.rez file.
Valid formats for DefaultValue are:
an explicit numeric default
an explicit string default with no spaces or special characters
"ExplicitStringValue" (must be enclosed in quotes)
an explicit string default that may contain spaces or special characters
uses the specified single string resource from the lang.rez file as the default
uses the specified string resource from the lang.rez file as the default
uses the specified control property from the lang.rez
file as the default
shorthand for LANG.CurrentFormID.FieldID.PropertyID
shorthand for LANG.CurrentFormID.CurrentFieldID.PropertyID
Different controls use different properties as their inherent default value. A list of common controls, their default properties, and their data type is shown below:
Control Default Default
property Property Type
Checkbox 85 Numeric
Colour Picker 11 Numeric
Date Picker 11 Numeric
Duration Picker 11 Numeric
Editable List 9 String
Icon Picker 12 Numeric
Numeric 11 Numeric
Progress Bar 11 Numeric
Static List 11 Numeric
Text Box/Area 9 String
There is no easy way to extract the default value for a radio group because of how they are implemented. For a radio group, the server saves the field as the ID of the group, but the individual values (and whether or not an option is the default value) are stored in the individual buttons.
Format argument
Because of the diversity and usage of data that can be stored in fields, it is necessary for you to specify how you wish to present the data from a given field. The available formats depend on the type of data stored in the field. This can usually be determined with some examination of what kind of control creates the data. In cases where associating a control with a field data type is not obvious, refer to the default property table.
The following works for all fields:
styles a text field using Firstclass style data drawn from the field specified in the argument
outputs the length (in bytes) of the current field
If the field does not exist, returns 0.
The following formats work for controls that store their data as string fields:
formats the data as an HTML encoded string
formats the data as an HTML string, but does not convert line breaks into <br>
outputs the data as a raw string (no formatting or encoding).
LITERALSTRING does not suppress charset translation.
outputs a number of chars equivalent to the number
of characters in the string
If no char is specified, asterisks (*) are used.
outputs the number of characters in a string
This is not the same as LENGTH for a multibyte character sets, for example, Japanese.
outputs the string with C-style escaping, making it suitable for assignment to a JavaScript variable
outputs the string using URL escaping
treats the string as a path to an image or picture resource
The rules for this argument are:
• if the string begins in "./", it is assumed to be a path to an image relative to the current object. The ./ is removed, but the string is otherwise unaltered.
• if the string begins in "/" or "http://", it is assumed to be an absolute path to an image. The string is output unaltered.
• if the string begins with "." it is assumed to be a reference to an image the Pictures.rez file. The string is formatted accordingly
• if the string begins with "~" it is assumed to be a reference to an image in the user's homepage folder. The string is formatted accordingly.
• otherwise the string is assumed to be an image in the current site's "Images" folder. The string is output as /Images/<string>.
The following format works for numeric fields:
outputs the data as a raw number
Some switches can be used to affect the precise format are:
• d
formats the number as a signed decimal (default)
• u
formats the number as an unsigned decimal
• [0]x
formats the number as a hex value using lowercase a-f.
The '0' prefix causes the number to be left-padded with 0s to 8 digits
• [0]X
formats the number as a hex value using uppercase A-F.
The 0 prefix causes the number to be left-padded with 0s to 8 digits.
treats the data as a color
By default the data is output as an HTML colour (for example, #RRGGBB). There are also a number of switches that can be applied for finer control:
• x
suppresses the '#' prefix.
The colour is output as a hex number RRGGBB.
• d
outputs the RGB parts of the colour as a decimal number
• R[d]
outputs the 00-FF value of the red component of the colour
The optional [d] switch forces output in decimal (0-255).
• G[d]
outputs the 00-FF value of the green component of the colour
The optional [d] switch forces output in decimal (0-255).
• B[d]
outputs the 00-FF value of the blue component of the colour
The optional [d] switch forces output in decimal (0-255).
• A[d]
outputs the 00-FF value of the alpha component of the colour
The optional [d] switch forces output in decimal (0-255).
• a[x|d]
enables the output of the alpha component in the colour output
Default is #AARRGGBB, but may be altered with the x and/or d switches.
treats the data a font size and normalizes it depending on browser and OS in order to produce a consistent sizing
outputs X if the data is non-zero, and nothing otherwise
This is a semi-obsolete format.
treats the data as a character set ID and outputs a string name for that charset
Generally, only used with lang.rez fields.
treats the data as a number of seconds and outputs it as a duration, for example, converts it to weeks/days/hours and so on, whichever is most convenient
treats the data as a number of seconds since a specific date
This depends on the format, but generally Jan 1, 1904, and outputs it as a date
Format for dates can be either a date format string or a reference to a lang string, for example, LANG.singlestring,
LANG.string.index, LANG.formid.fieldID.propertyID. Currently, there is no support for the FORM lang shortcuts.
IF [List]
LIST [List]
treats the data as an enumerated list, for example, a string<->number mapping
The obsolete IF variant only allows one list value, while LIST allows an arbitrary number of list values.
List may be one of:
• A comma separated list of enumeration value pairs (ie "Default=0", "First Value=100", "Second Value=200")
• A reference to a LANG string, for example, LANG.SingleStringID, LANG.StringID.Index, LANG.FormID.FieldID.PropertyID, FORM.FieldID.PropertyID, FORM.FieldID.
The PropertyID for the enumeration values of a control is 10. If the List argument is omitted, it assumed to be LANG.CurrentFormID>.<CurrentFieldID>.10, which should be the default enumeration list for the current control.
treats the data as the value of a numeric control
This argument uses various pieces of lang.rez data in order to format the number in the same manner as the client, for example, using the Format, Multiplier and Enumeration properties.
The optional [ID] argument is used to explicitly specify which numeric control on which form to use. The Format is FormID.FieldID. The default is CurrentFormID.CurrentFieldID.
outputs the fcp field type
used to output binary data
outputs field data in appropriate from based on its field type (LITERALSTRING, NUMBER OR BASE64)
outputs field data appropriately based on teh type of GUI control it originated from (as extracted from the lang.rez file)
Formats for graphical data
treats the data as an x,y point
The default output is as an ordered pair, but can use the x, y, h (horizontal) or v (vertical) switches to specify only one coordinate. Data is never stored on the server in this format, but some lang.rez file properties may use data in this structure.
treats the data as a rectangle containing two (x,y) coordinates for the top-left and bottom-right corners
The default output is (top,left,bottom,right), but the t, l, r, and b switches can be used to access a specific coordinate. The w and h switches can be used to output the width (right - left) or height (bottom - top) of the rectangle.
Outputs the number of entries (for example, Mac Index -1) in a filed array. If the field is empty, returns 0. If the field is not indexed, returns 1.
Indexed field data only occurs in the calendar
Aborts a listing mid-progress.
For example, if you are rendering a conference, but only need the first template in the listing, you can use this tag to tell Internet Services not to send the other templates that would normally be part of such a listing.
Retrieves a wide variety of data about the current FirstClass object.
<X-FC-ITEM DATA [datatype] [Format]>
DATA [datatype]
Specifies which part of the object's data should be retrieved. [datatype] is normally numeric, but for certain elements, text keywords are provided.
The formats for this tag are shared with X-FC-CONFERENCE-ITEM, except where explicitly noted otherwise.
The normal data types support the same formatting arguments as X-FC-FIELD, but the "special" data elements often use special formatting arguments described below:
Data element formID
The formID determines how the form is rendered by FirstClass. FormID matches the numeric ID (the numeric ID in FirstClass Designer) of the template used to render that item to the web or in the client. This data format is valid for X-FC-ITEM only.
Numeric ID: -1
Format: Numeric
Data Element Objtype
The object type of an object determines the way FirstClass treats, stores, and processes that object. The object type determines, for example, whether an object can contain other items (folders or conferences), whether it can be sent to other users (messages or forms), whether it appears in the Directory (conferences or users) and so on. The object type is one of the most important pieces of information about an object.
Numeric ID : 0
Default Format: Resource String (A localized string from the lang.rez file representing the object's type, for example, "Desktop" or "Message")
Alternative Format(s):
NUMBER returns the objtype as a number
ESCAPED same as the default format, but escaped in a manner suitable for assignment to a Javascript variable (see X-FC-FIELD ESCAPED format)
Objtype If the format argument is the name of a specific objtype, then the tag will return 1 if the objtype of the current object matches the one specified, or 0 if it does not.
Common valid objtypes (and their numeric equivalents) are:
• Desktop (0), Conference (1), Folder (2), ConfItem (3), Message (4), Text (5), File (6), Form (12), FormDoc (17), Document (22), Mailbox (24)
Other valid objtypes (and their numeric equivalents) are:
• DirList (7), Profile (8), UserList (9), ExternalFolder (10), ACL (11), History (13), Chat (14), ChatInvite (15), SystemMonitor (16), HitLIst (19), MemForm (20), User (21), WorkForm (23), PrivGroupFolder (25), GateWayFolder (26), MailListFolder (27), DeskTopFolder (28), Archive (29), ModelFolder (30), PermStationery (31), FCFile (35), RemoteAdmin (36)
Data Element SubType
The subtype of an object refers to a refinement of an object's general behavior above and beyond its objtype (for example, Contact Manager) which is a folder, but has some special characteristics, or a calendar, which is a conference with special characteristics.
Numeric ID: 1
Default Format: Numeric subtype
Alternative Format(s):
SubType A boolean result can be obtained on whether or not the given objects subtype matches one specified.
Common valid objtypes (and their numeric equivalents) are:
• AddressBook (7), UserHomePage (15), BookMarks (16), VoiceGreetings (20), Calendar (21), ResourceCalendar (22), LocationCalendar (23), MemosFolder (26), GroupCalendar (28)
Other valid objtypes (and their numeric equivalents) are:
• Mailbox (1), OffLineConfs (2), DirSync (3), SiteSync (4), Conferences (5), Gateways (6), ModelFolder (8), PrivGroups (9), MailList (10), UserDeskTop (11), InternetServicesConfig (12), VoiceServicesConfig (13), ResourceLibrary (14), JavaFolder (17), SPAMFilters (18), IVRFolder (19), Volumes (24), MultiVolConferences (25), CertificatesFolder (27),
Data Element Date
The last modified date of the object
Numeric ID: 2
Format: same as X-FC-FIELD DATE
Data Element Status
This field contains various switches used by the server and Internet Services to determine the current status of the object.
Numeric ID : 3
Default Format: A bitmask of the object's various status bits
Alternative Format(s):
StatusBit More that one of these bits can be enabled at once. The List of bits (and the hex equivalent in the bitmask) are:
• Unread (0x8000), Urgent (0x4000), Sent (0x2000), Deleted (0x1000), OutGoing (0x0800), Protected (0x0400), Unapproved (0x0200), Moved (0x0100), AutoOpen (0x0080), Addressed (0x0040), Attachments(0x0020), Subscribed (0x0010), Replicated (0x0008), Partial (0x0004), URLDoc (0x0002), Voice (0x0001)
Data Element Location
The coordinates of this objects icon is a list view used in X-FC-CONFERENCE-ITEM only.
Numeric ID: 4
Default Format: An ordered pair representing the objects coordinates (x,y)
Alternative format(s):
• X: The object's icon x coordinate
• Y: The object's icon y coordinate.
Data Element Icon
The object's icon.
Numeric ID: 5
Default format: Numeric IconID
Alternative format(s):
• SMALL: ID for the small icon for this object
• LARGE: ID for the large icon for this object
• HREF: the url to the icon for this object
• HTML: an <img> tag for the icon for this object.
Data Element Size
The object's physical size on disk.
Numeric ID: 6
Default format: The object's size in bytes
Alternative format(s):
• K: the object's size in kilobytes
• SCALED: the objects size scaled to the most appropriates size (bytes, K, M, G, or T)
• SCALEDK: the object's size scaled to the most appropriate size with a minimum size of 1K.
Data Element Name
The object's name
Numeric ID: 7
Default format: The name as a textual string
Alternative format(s):
• ESCAPED: same as X-FC-FIELD ESCAPED format
• HTML: adds HTML formatting suitable for an object name in a conference listing (for example, a bolded To prefix on outgoing messages or italics on unapproved items)
• HREF: takes the output of the HTML argument and embeds it in an <a href> tag that will open this object.
Data Element Subject
The object's subject
Numeric ID: 8
Default format: the subject as a textual string
Alternative format(s):
• HTML: adds HTML formatting suitable for an object subject in a conference listing (for example, bolded if urgent, priority and sensitivity prefixes and so on)
• HREF: takes the output of the HTML arguments and embeds it in an <a href> tag that will open this object.
Data Element Flag
The object's flag (if any).
Numeric ID: 9
Default format: Numeric ID of this object's flag icon. 0 if no flag
Alternative format(s):
• PATH: path to the icon for this flag
• ALT: text string representing this flag (for example, UnRead and UnSend)
• HTML: an <img> tag for this icon for this flag
Data Element Attach
Icon representing the presence and type of attachments on this object.
Numeric ID: 10
Format: Numeric ID of this object's attachment icon. 0 if no attachments
Data Element ThreadID
A double long representing the thread to which this item belongs. Used when grouping on subject. [0:0] for non-threadable objects.
Numeric ID: 11
Format: [long1:long2]
Data Element MessageID
A double long which is the object's unique ID within the FirstClass system.
Numeric ID: 12
Format: [long1:long2]
Data Element SysID
A long which is the object's unique ID within the server's unread tracking system.
Numeric ID: 13
Format: Numeric sysID
Data Element Title
The Icon title for this object. Will default to either name or subject based on the object's type. If the default string does not exist, then the tag will return the alternative string (for example, messages default to using subject in the icon title, but if no subject exists, then it will use the name instead.)
Numeric ID: 14
Format: As the Name and Subject columns. The exact format will depend on whether the title winds up being the name or the subject.
Data Element InFolder
Path to the folder in which the object resides. This data element is valid only for the X-FC-LIST-ITEM tag and only in search listings.
Numeric ID: 15
Default format: text string representing the path
Alternative format(s):
• ESCAPED: same as the X-FC-FIELD ESCAPED format
Data Element Expiry
The expiry date of the current object. 0 if object does not expire.
Numeric ID: 16
Format: Same as X-FC-FIELD DATE
Data Element Options
A bitmask containing various flags affecting a message's delivery behavior (for example, priority/sensitivity/receipts and so on)
Numeric ID: 17
Default format: Numeric bitmask of the object's various message options
Alternative format(s):
Like Status, you can test for individual message options.
The priority and sensitivity result will be a value between 0 and 3 representing the numeric priority/sensitivity level. The options are:
• MachineGenerated (0x0004), ReturnContent (0x0008), SuppressNDN (0x0010), RemoteOnlyReceipt (0x0020), VerboseReceipt (0x0040), RouteReceipt (0x0080)RouteReceipt (0x0100), DeliveryReceipt (0x0200), Sensitivity (0x1C00), Priority (0xE000)
Data Element EndTime
The calculated end date/time of a voice greeting or a calendar event/task. This data element is valid only for the X-FC-LIST-ITEM tag and only in calendars/voice greetings folders.
Numeric ID: 18
Format: as X-FC-FIELD DATE
Determines the display properties of the current container.
Everything found in the client Change View Properties can be extracted using this tag, as well as other data about how to render the current container.
SPLITTYPE specifies the current split type for this container, 0 == No Split, 1 == Split Horizontal, 2 == Split Vertical
SPLITPERCENT specifies the split size as a percentage
SPLITPOS specifies the split size in pixels
All of the subsequent arguments must be prefixed with either UPPER, LOWER, LEFT, or RIGHT specifying for which pane to retrieve the data.
UPPER and LEFT the same pane as LOWER and RIGHT
If there is no split, the sole pane is the UPPER or LEFT pane.
(PANE).DISPLAYFORMAT type of display used for this pane, 0 == List, 1 == Small Icon, 2 == Large Icon
(PANE).FORMID specifies which calendar mode to use (158 == Monthly, 159 == Weekly, 160 == Daily, 164 == Today), if the container is a calendar
(PANE).SORTON specifies the current sort column.
If the sort order is reversed the high bit (0x80000000) will be set
(PANE).GROUPON specifies the current group column, -1 == No Grouping
(PANE).DEFCOLLAPSE specifies that the groups should be collapsed, if not zero
(PANE).FONT specifies the name of the font to use when rendering the conference
(PANE).FONTSIZE specifies the size of the font to use when rendering the conference
(PANE).USECOLOR specifies to use the (PANE).COLOR attribute when rendering the listing, if not zero
(PANE).COLOR specifies the font color to use when rendering the container (use only if (PANE).USECOLOR is not zero)
(PANE).SHOW.COLTITLES specifies to show the column titles
(PANE).SHOW.ROWNUMBERS specifies to show the row numbers
(PANE).SHOW.VGRID specifies to draw vertical grid lines in the table (if in listing mode)
(PANE).SHOW.HGRID specifies to draw horizontal grid lines in the table (if in listing mode)
(PANE).HIDEICONTITLES specifies to suppress the icon titles, if in icon mode
(PANE).BG.IMAGE specifies what background image to use
Use only if (PANE).BG.USE is not zero.
(PANE).BG.USE specifies whether or not to use the (PANE).BG.IMAGE
(PANE).BG.TILE specifies to tile any background picture used if not zero
(PANE).LOCKICONS specifies to not permit icon placement to be changed
(PANE).SINGLECLICK specifies to open items with single as opposed to double-clicks
(PANE).SHOWFOLDERS specifies that this pane's listing should include folders (typically, this is always on in the UPPER/LEFT pane and always off in the LOWER/RIGHT pane)
(PANE).SHOWFILES specifies that this pane's listing should include files (typically, this is always on in the LOWER/RIGHT pane, and on in the UPPER/LEFT pane if there is no split)
(PANE).TRANSPARENTTEXT specifies to not draw a white box around the icon titles (if in icon view), if not zero
(PANE).NCOLS specifies the number of columns visible, if in list mode
(PANE).FIELDID[ColumnID] specifies the index in the schema of the ColumnIDth layout column
ColumnID must be between 0 and (PANE).NCOLS - 1, inclusive.
(PANE).WIDTH[ColumnID] specifies the width (in pixels) of the ColumnIDth layout column
ColumnID must be between 0 and (PANE).NCOLS - 1, inclusive.
Returns the number of items in a list of items.
The list in question depends on the scope. In a container, it is the items in the container. In a leaf objects, it is the attachment list. In history, it is the names in the history listing, and so on.
This tag does not work properly in most directory templates.
This tag replaces <X-FC-ATTACHMENT-COUNT>.
Retrieves a wide variety of data about the current FirstClass item in a list of items.
The list depends on the scope. In a container, the list is the items in the container. In a leaf objects, the list is the attachment list. In the directory, the list is the names in the Directory listing, and so on.
This tag replaces <X-FC-ATTACHMENT> (which is deprecated) and X-FC-CONFERENCE-ITEM. The formats for this tag are shared with X-FC-ITEM,except where explicitly noted otherwise.
<X-FC-LIST-ITEM [Index] COLUMN[datatype] [Format]>
[Index] the index of the item in the list
This index is optional when it is implicit (as in a container listing template, which specifies the current item being output).
For descriptions of the values and functions of the datatype and Format arguments, see the X-FC-ITEM tag.
Returns the URL to the AttachmentNum(th) attachment of the current form.
AttachmentNum must be between 0 and (X-FC-LIST-ITEM-URI> -1), inclusive.
Returns the number of items with the specified attributes in the current container.
If no argument is present, the TOTAL argument is implied.
X-FC-NUMITEMS TOTAL total number of items in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS CONTAINERS total number of containers in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS DELETED total number of deleted items in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS VISIBLE total number of visible items in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS HIDDEN total number of hidden items in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS UNREAD total number of unread items in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS FOLDERS total number of folders in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS CONFERENCES total number of conferences in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS MESSAGES total number of messages in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS DOCUMENTS total number of documents in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS TEXT total number of text items in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS UPLOADED total number of uploaded items in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS MaxIndex useful for sanity checks
X-FC-NUMITEMS TOOLBAR total number of items in toolbars in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS MENU total number of menus in the current container
X-FC-NUMITEMS DROPDOWN total number of items toolbar dropdowns in the current container
Determines the user's permissions for the current object.
This tag outputs a bitmask of the user's permissions for the object as seen on the Conference Permissions form. Most of these permissions are only meaningful in conferences (folder and leaf objects inherit the permissions from their parent object), but some can be used in documents and messages as well, for example Delete, Write,
Download (attachments), ViewHist, and GetInfo.
where Permission is used to test for the presence of a specific permission.
If the user has the permission in question, the tag returns 1, otherwise the tag returns 0. The possible permissions that you can test for are:
user may approve/unapprove items (mail sent to this conference by the user does not require approval)
Bitmask value = 0x00000001
Create user
may directly create items (documents and subfolders)
Bitmask value = 0x00000008
user may create subconferences
Bitmask value = 0x00002000
user may delete own items (user can unsend messages that they have sent to this conference)
Bitmask value = 0x00000100
user may upload/download files to this conference
Bitmask value = 0x00004000
user may edit read-only items (sent messages)
Bitmask value = 0x00000010
user may edit the Conference Group Permissions form
Bitmask value = 0x00000001
user may size and sort window (change View Properties permission)
Bitmask value = 0x00000040
user may delete or move items
Bitmask value = 0x00000004
object0 supports Get Info(Mac) and Properties (Windows)
Bitmask value = 0x00080000
user can moderate conferences
Bitmask value = 0x00000002
user may open items and read messages
Bitmask value = 0x00001000
user may open this conference
Bitmask value = 0x00000200
user may search this conference/folder
Bitmask value = 0x00000400
user may send mail to this conference
Bitmask value = 0x00000800
user may view the Conference Group Permissions form
Bitmask value = 0x00008000
user may view calendar times
Bitmask value = 0x00200000
object supports history, and the user is allowed to view it
Bitmask value = 0x00010000
user may edit editable items
Bitmask value = 0x00000020
Collects information detailing the data available for display in a container listing. This tag also contains the attributes necessary to display this data in a columnar format.
The schema contains a list of possible columns. Conferences usually display only a small subset of these columns. The list of currently visible columns is contained in the conference layout, see X-FC-LAYOUT.
All arguments, other than NCOLS, are prefaced with COLUMN[ColumnID] to indicate which column is being referred to. ColumnID ranges between 0 and <X-FC-SCHEMA NCOLS> -1>.
ColumnID can be one of:
• a positive integer as determined by the use of <X-FC-LAYOUT Pan.FIELDID[n]>
• a string representing one of the set of default columns available in most conference listings.
NCOLS outputs the number of possible columns available
COLUMN[ColumnID].FIELDID the field ID of the data for this column
COLUMN[ColumnID].TYPE data type for this column (0==text, 1==icon, 2==resource string, 4==picture, 8==numeric, 16==date, 32==checkbox)
COLUMN[ColumnID].ATTR bitmask containing data about sorting and alignment (Bit 0:default, sort order reversed if bit is on, Bit 1:right aligned data, Bit 2:centered data,
Bit 3: justified data)
COLUMN[ColumnID].ICONID use this icon as the column title (use the TITLE attribute as the tooltip, for example alt tag), if not zero
If ICONID is 0, use the text title.
COLUMN[ColumnID].TITLE textual column title
COLUMN[ColumnID].FORMID contains the ResourceID from which to pull the string, if data type is a resource string
COLUMN[ColumnID].WIDTH default width of this column (this is the default width of the column when it is first displayed)
To find the current width, use <X-FC-LAYOUT Pane.WIDTH[n]>. The actual current width is part of the data in the layout, see X-FC-LAYOUT.
Outputs information about the window layout.
outputs the pixel coordinates of the window borders
outputs (RIGHT - LEFT) and (BOTTOM - TOP) respectively
places the split bar in a conference listing
A SPLIT of 0 means the client (template) should place the split bar where it thinks it is most appropriate. A SPLIT greater than zero should be interpreted as 1 + % of the screen occupied by the upper or left pane in the conference listing.
The SPLIT argument is independent of the actual existence of a split bar. A conference can be in non-split mode and still have a positive SPLIT percentage defined so that when the view is next placed in split mode, the bar will be where it was left by the user. The existence of the split bar can be determined using the X-FC-LAYOUT tag.
Container listing tags
Container listing tags work only in container listing templates.
Controls paging in container subcontainer listings.
If the [LastFolder] argument is present, the last item on the page is set to the value of that argument. If the argument is absent, then the tag returns the current last item.
Controls paging in container subcontainer listings.
If the [MaxFolders] argument is present, the number of items on the current page is set to the value of that argument. If the argument is absent, then the tag returns the current page size.
Creates a link to the next page (if there is one) in a container subcontainer listing.
Creates a link to the previous page (if there is one) in a container subcontainer listing.
Used to control paging in container subcontainer listings.
If the [FirstFolder] argument is present, the first item on the page is set to the value of that argument. If the argument is absent, then the tag returns the current first item.
Used to access a wide variety of data about the current item in a container listing. Its format is identical to that of X-FC-ITEM, except the data members are specified by COLUMN[] instead of by DATA[]
Used to control paging in container leaf listings.
If the [LastItem] argument is present, the last item on the page is set to the value of that argument. If the argument is absent, then the tag returns the current last item.
Used to control paging in container leaf listings.
If the [MaxItems] argument is present, the number of items in on the current page is set to the value of that argument. If the argument is absent, then the tag returns the current page size.
Creates a link to the next page (if there is one) in a container leaf listing.
Creates a link to the previous page (if there is one) in a container leaf listing.
Used to control paging in container leaf listings.
If the [FirstItem] argument is present, the first item on the page is set to the value of that argument. If the argument is absent, then the tag returns the current first item.
Calendaring Tags
These tags work only in calendar views.
These tags do not work in list mode.
Outputs data about a specific item in a calendar view or the Today list.
• <X-FC-CALENDAR-ITEM Index DataField
[Format]>Outputs data about the Index(th) item in the Today list (zero based). The total number of items in the list can be discovered using <X-FC-CALENDAR-ITEM-COUNT>
• <X-FC-CALENDAR-ITEM Day.Index DataField [Format]>
Outputs data about the Index(th) item in on Day (both zero based). The total number of items in the list can be discovered using <X-FC-CALENDAR-ITEM-COUNT>
The possible values for the optional Format argument vary depending on which DataField is being requested.
The possible values of the DataField argument, and their associated formats are:
The overall start date of this calendar item. Format options as a date.
If the calendar item is a repeating event, then this is the start date of this specific instance. Format options as a date.
Duration of this calendar item. Format options as a time period.
The busy state of this calendar item. Format as an enumeration (BUSY, TENTATIVE, OUTOFOFFICE, FREE). No STRING format available.
This is 1 if the item is a conflict and 0 otherwise. No formatting options.
This is 1 if the item is a continuation from a previous day, 0 otherwise. No formatting options.
This is 1 if the item is overdue, 0 otherwise. No formatting options.
This is 1 if the item is a task, 0 otherwise. No formatting options.
This is 1 if the item is not a native calendar item (for example, a message dragged onto the calendar), 0 otherwise. No formatting options.
The colour of this calendar item. Format options as a colour.
If this is a task, this contains the current status. Format options as an enumeration (NOTSTARTED, COMPLETED, INPROGRESS, WAITING, DEFERRED). A STRING format is available.
Reminder type of the current item. Format options as an enumeration (NONE, OWNER, PARICIPANTS) A STRING format is available.
Repeat type of the current item. Format options as an enumeration (NONE, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY, WEEKDAYS, WEEKENDS, BIWEEKLY, BIMONTHLY, QUARTERLY, MONTHSAMEWEEKDAY). A STRING format is available.
Subject of the current item. An HTML format is available.
COLUMN[Data] Same syntax, options and formatting options as X-FC-ITEM.
Outputs the number of items on a given day in a calendar view, or in the "Today" list.
Outputs the number of items in the Today list
Day is zero based.
Outputs the URL of an item in a calendar view.
Outputs the URL of the Index(th) entry in the "Today" list. The number of items in the list can be determined using the <X-FC-CALENDAR-ITEM-COUNT>
Outputs the URL of the Index(th) entry on the Day(th) day on the calendar.
Both Index and Day are zero based. So in a daily view, Day is always 0. On the daily view you still have to specify
"0" to differentiate it from the "Today" view.
Directory listing tags
These tags work only in Directory listing templates.
Returns an integer that indicates the status of a directory search:
Value Meaning
-1 Search has not commenced
0 Search failed to find any matching directory entries
1 Search found an exact match in the directory
2 Search matched multiple directory entries
Returns the entry's email address.
if the user is logged in
Returns a link to a preaddressed send form
returns a mailto link for the entry
Forms tags
Used in all forms templates.
Outputs the body of the current form.
FORMAT=HTML adds <img> and <a> tags and uses style sheets and other display formatting tags where appropriate.
FORMAT=WML outputs the body in a manner compatible with WAP/WML enabled devices.
FORMAT=PLAIN outputs the body with no formatting.
FORMAT=ESCAPED escapes all quotes, double-quotes, line breaks, and backslashes, appropriate for use with Javascript variables.
FORMAT=MAX=nnnn specifies the maximum number of bytes of the body to be output. This is useful for WML and handheld device browsers, which have limited content capacity.
Returns the Date the current message was sent. If the message is unsent, returns the date last modified.
<X-FC-DATE [Format]>
The Format argument may be used to control the output format of the date, see Date formats to modify the date display.
If the current object is editable
returns 1
Accesses members of a forms recipient list(s).
<X-FC-RECIPIENT List.Index DATA[DataColumn] [Format]>
the recipient List type (TO, CC, BCC, FROM)
This can also be represented as n integer (0 == TO, 1 == CC, 2 == BCC, 3 == FWD or FROM).
the index of the recipient to access.
The number of recipients in a given list can be determined using <X-FC-RECIPIENT-COUNT>.
The DATA[DataColumn] and Format arguments behave the same as in X-FC-ITEM.
Output the number of recipients of the specified type. If no type is specified, outputs the total number of recipients.
<X-FC-RECIPIENT-COUNT [RecipientType]>
RecipientType must be one of To, Cc, Bcc or Fwd.
These types can also be referred to numerically as To == 0, Cc == 1, Bcc == 2, and Fwd == 3.
Date formats
Use date formats to modify the date display for the DATE_LOCAL, DATE_GMT, AND LAST_MODIFIED tags. You can use the following arguments on the timefmt variable:
code %a outputs the abbreviated weekday name
code %A outputs the full weekday name
code %b outputs the abbreviated month name
code %B outputs the full month name
code %c outputs the fixed format date and time (Mon, 22 Feb, 99 3:15pm)
For the long date and time, use %#c. (Monday, 22 February, 1999 12:43:54 AM).
code %d outputs the day of the month as a decimal number (01-31)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#d.
code %H outputs the hour in 24-hour format (00-23)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#H.
code %l outputs the hour in 12-hour format (01-12)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#l.
code %j outputs the day of the year as decimal number (001-366)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#j.
code %m outputs the month as decimal number (01-12)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#m.
code %M outputs the minute as decimal number (00-59)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#M.
code %N outputs the seconds since Jan 1, 1970
code %p outputs the locale's a.m./p.m. indicator for a 12-hour clock
code %S outputs the second as decimal number (00-59)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#S.
code %U outputs the week of the year as decimal number (00-51, Sunday = first day of the week)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#U.
code %w outputs the weekday as decimal number (0-6, Sunday = 0)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#w.
code %W outputs the week of the year as decimal number (00-51, Monday = first day of the week)
To remove any leading zeros, use %#W.
code %x outputs the fixed format date representation (22 Feb, 99)
For the long date, use %#x (22 February, 1999).
code %X outputs the time representation for locale
code %y outputs the year without century as decimal number (00-99)
code %Y outputs the year with century as decimal number
code %z outputs the time zone name or abbreviation
code %Z outputs the numeric version of timezone (if available) in the form +/-HHMM (-0400, where 0000 is GMT)
code %% outputs the percent sign