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About FirstClass objects
All items that reside on the server are FirstClass objects. Templates are used to view FirstClass objects. To customize web templates, you need to understand the different levels of objects and how you build templates to view them. Objects are grouped into three categories:
•       Form objects
•       Listings objects
•       Exceptions.

Form objects
Form objects are forms that reside on the server and contain data. Form objects can be:
•       mail forms (read only and editable versions)
•       documents (read only and editable versions)
•       memforms (edit only)
•       system forms (read only and editable versions)
•       calendar forms (read only).
Mail forms (read only and editable versions)
Mail forms reside on the server and contain data but specifically support the Send operation. Mail forms include:
•       messages
•       phone call forms
•       file transfer forms.
Documents (read only and editable versions)
Documents are items that are saved to the server but not sent (do not support the Send operation).
Memforms (edit only)
Memforms are virtual forms that do not represent objects on the server but behave as if they do. Memforms mimic documents, as they are saved but not sent. These forms are associated with actions and include the:
•       Auto Registration form
•       Change Password form.
System forms (read only and editable versions)
System forms are used by FirstClass and reside on the server, but you cannot create or delete them. System forms include:
•       Preferences
•       System Profile forms.
Calendar forms (read only)
Calendars are considered forms when they are viewed by month or by week instead of as a list.

Listings objects
Listings objects are displayed as lists (for example, message listings in your Mailbox or document listings in a conference). All listings are composed of multiple templates and have IDs less than zero.
Listings objects consist of:
•       container listings and leaf objects
•       search listings
•       Directory listings
•       Who's Online listings
•       history listings.
Container listings and leaf objects
Containers hold and display listings of other subcontainers and leaf objects. Leaf objects are any non-container items that are listed in a separate pane in a FirstClass client split view. Examples of container objects are:
•       conferences
•       folders
•       calendars.
Examples of leaf objects are:
•       messages
•       documents
•       bookmarks
•       events
•       tasks
•       uploaded files.  
Filtering container listings
The output of container and leaf objects in a listing can be limited to a specific range (typically used to introduce 'paging' to reduce download time). Both container and leaf objects each maintain separate ranges, which can be controlled at the URL parameter level by using nItems, nFolders, FirstItem, FirstFolder, LastItem and LastFolder, or inside the templates using the various Container listing tags. If you wish to see the deleted items in a container listing, use the 'Show deleted' URL parameter (for example, "<X-FC-OBJURL>?Showdeleted = 1").
If you use more than two tags or items, the third will be ignored. Internet Services only reads the first two tags or items in either the object URL or the template code.
Sorting and grouping of container listings
Sorting and grouping sorts a list by whatever criteria you specify in the URL parameters. By default, your sorting parameters follow those set in the client. If you want to change the sorting and grouping behavior, you do so using URL parameters. The URL parameter syntax is:
•       SortCol changes the sort of the columns
•       GroupCol changes the grouping of the columns.
The parameters for both SortCol and GroupCol are ([-] ColID +1). The (ColID + 1) is a numeric expression that is evaluated. If SortCol < 0, this implies Reverse sort. If GroupCol < 0, this implies collapse groups.
•       [commit] saves the new sort or group column to the server (it commits your changes)
•       [I|F] sorts on Item or Folders (make sure that you have a split in your view before using the [I] literal term).
For a list of current valid columns, see the X-FC-LAYOUT tag.
Container default listing mode
A default listing for a container object is a combination of different templates. It is divided into five sections and follows this order:
1       Header templates (-1 and -10)
2       Subcontainer listing templates (-11, -12, -14)
3       Separator template (-15)
4       Leaf listing templates (-16 to -18)
5       Footer template (-2)
If you don't want all of the contents of a container listed, you can abort the process at any point by including the <X-FC-HEADER-ONLY> tag in the last template you want listed.
Container component listing mode
Internet Services provides the functionality to filter listings based on the types of objects it contains (for example, subcontainers or listings). You can obtain these listings by adding a parameter to the container URL. Let's take a look at the different URL parameters required:
•       to filter for subcontainers only, use the 'Folders' URL parameter.
•       to filter for leaf only items, use the 'Items' URL parameter.
•       for a combined listing, use both parameters.
All parameters use the -205, -206, and -207 templates.
Here is an example that works for all three cases:
[<X-FC-OBJURL>?Folders = 1-10]
This URL lists the first ten subcontainers in a container.
The filtering argument can also be used as a paging argument using the syntax: filter=first-last. For more information, see the Filtering section in this document.
Search listings
The Search form is a system form that allows you to specify your search filter criteria in FirstClass. The form ID for this system form is 8000. When you do a search (using the 8000 system form) your results are posted using these templates:
•       -300 (Search Listing Header)
•       -301 (Search Listing Item)
•       -302 (Search Listing Progress)
        This template renders the changed search folder.
•       -303 (Search Listing Footer).
Directory listings
The FirstClass Directory is a list of everything in the system to which you can address mail (for example users, conferences, address books, and aliases). Directory listings consist of:
•       Directory filters
•       Directory search listings
•       name validation
•       Who's Online.
Directory filters
Directory filter parameters are used to display only a portion of the Directory. This is useful, as there are usually a large number of items contained in the Directory and the user only wants to view a sublist.
When a user performs a search, FirstClass filters either on Type or Name. When the filter is on Type, you can filter the Directory entries for:
•       local names (users on local system plus all address book entries)
•       remote names (users on gateway systems)
•       conferences (all conferences whose Directory listing is visible to users)
•       address book (all address book entries)
•       Internet alias (all Internet address aliases)
All these filters are integers and use 1 for 'on' and 0 for 'off' in the URL parameter. The default filter is local/remote/conference.
When the filter is on Name, you can search on a full name or part of a name. In either case use the 'srch' parameter. Also, if you are using a browser, it is a good idea to set your 'charset' parameter to the correct character set of your system (ISO character set codes).
Directory search listings
To open a simple Directory listing (for example, send mail to a user, open a user calendar, or open a résumé) use the <X-FC-LOGIN>Directory URL. The templates used for this type of listing are:
• - 100 (Directory form)
• - 104 (Directory form footer).
To do a Directory lookup, use the Directory search listings URL <X-FC-LOGIN>Directory/Lookup. The templates used for this type of listing are:
• -100 (Directory form)
• -101 (Directory list header)
• -102 (multiple results require multiple -102 templates) or -105 (no results)
• -103 (Directory list footer).
Name validation
To validate names in a field, use the <X-FC-OBJURL SLASH>Lookup URL, where <X-FC-OBJURL > is in whatever object you are validating the names into (where the server puts the names once they are validated).
Some objects (for example, resource or location calendars) have limited Directory listings so filters are used. The templates used for this type of listing are:
•       -100 (Directory Form)
•       -101 (Directory List Header)
•       -102 (one for each name request)
•       -105 (only if there are name requests)
•       -103 (Directory List Footer).
Name validation sometimes supports and, in some cases, requires these extra parameters:
•       Operation
•       Insert|Insert Multi
This parameter is used to search for a recipient to insert in a recipient list. The Insert|Insert Multi parameter uses these parameters:
•       Field ID = fieldid
This is a mandatory parameter that specifies the field into which you are inserting.
•       [Index = index]
This specifies where in the list you are going to insert the recipient name.
•       [standard Directory parameters]
These parameters are standard Directory parameters used to filter the Directory (see Directory listing tags).
If the Insert parameter returns a single match, the recipient name is inserted directly into the object on the server. For example, if you open a message and type in an exact match for a name in the To field, the name is automatically added to the list in the field. There is no need for a Directory listing. The Insert Multi parameter uses the same syntax as the Insert parameter but inserts multiple names into the object on the server.
•       Delete
The Delete parameter is used to delete a name from a recipient list and its valid values are:
•       Field ID = fieldid
This parameter specifies the field that you are deleting from.
•       [Index = index]|[client ID = clientid]
This parameter must have either an index parameter (one at a time) that deletes a name as per its position in the list, or one or more client ID parameters (removes first instance of the client ID).
Example of Index parameter
If your To list has name1, name2, name3, this URL would delete name1:
<X-FC-OBJURL SLASH>Lookup?Operation=Deleted&FieldID=9&Index=0>
•       Add
The Add parameter is used to add a name from a recipient list and its valid values are:
•       Field ID = fieldid
This parameter specifies what field you are adding to.
•       [Index = index]
This parameter specifies where in the list to place the new names.
•       Client ID = clientid
This parameter must have one or more client IDs. If you have specified an Index, the client IDs are added in reverse order. If no Index is specified, no order is defined.
Who's Online listings
A Who's Online listing is a list of all users currently logged in who you are allowed to see. To open a Who's Online listing use the URL "<X-FC-LOGIN> whosonline". Templates used for this listing are:
•       -400 (Who's Online Header)
•       -401 (Who's Online Item)
•       -402 (Who's Online Footer).
History listings
A History listing lists the history of any leaf objects (for example, a calendar event, message, or document). To open a history listing use the URL "<X-FC-OBJURL SLASH>history".
The templates used are:
•       -110 (History Header)
•       -111 (History Item)
•       -112 (History Listing Footer).

Exceptions are neither objects nor listings. They include stationery, instant messaging, and monitors. In a filtered container list, however, these exceptions are listed within subcontainers. Internet Services does not inherently render these objects to the web.

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