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        Combined item lists

List of templates
This document provides a list of commonly used FirstClass templates that may appear in our template sets.
Depending on the purpose of a particular template set, you may not require some of these templates (for example, the Webmail templates don't use the Who's Online function). In any template set, there will usually be additional templates for specialty forms and other functions.

Container lists
These templates output the whole container listing with no filters. This means that if you use these templates, both subcontainers in the main container and leaf objects are shown.
•       -1              the container list master header
•       -2              the container list master footer
•       -10             the container list master header
•       -11             the subcontainer list header
•       -12             the subcontainer list row separator (outputs every four subcontainers)
•       -13             the folder list item (outputs one for every subcontainer)
•       -14             the folder list footer
•       -15             the list separator between subcontainers and leaf objects
•       -16             the leaf list header
•       -17             the leaf list item (outputs one for every leaf item)
•       -18             the leaf list footer (if there is one).

Subcontainer lists
These templates output container folder listings with certain filters. This means that if you use these templates, only folder container objects are listed.
These templates can be accessed from the -1 template with <X-FC-OBJURL>?folders. When the -1 template is rendered, the <X-FC-OBJURL> tag is replaced by the URL to the current item:
•       -200    the subcontainer list header
•       -201    the subcontainer list item (one for each folder)
•       -202    the subcontainer list footer.

Leaf item lists
These templates output container leaf listings with certain filters. This means that if you use these templates, only leaf objects are listed.
You can access these templates from the -1 template with <X-FC-OBJURL>?folders. When the -1 template is rendered, the <X-FC-OBJURL> tag is replaced by the URL to the current item:
•       -210    the header for the leaf list
•       -211    the leaf list item (one for each message)
•       -212    the footer for the leaf list.

Combined item lists
These templates output a complete listing of objects in a container with no filters at all. This means that if you use these templates, an integrated listing of both leaf objects and containers is generated.
These templates can be accessed from the -1 template with <X-FC-OBJURL>?both. When the -1 template is rendered, the <X-FC-OBJURL> tag is replaced by the URL to the current item:
•       -205    the header for the combined item list
•       -206    the combined item list entry (one for each object in the list)
•       -207    the footer for the combined item list.

Directory lists
These templates output Directory listings (from a Directory search) to the web, and are accessed from the /Login/Directory or /Login/Directory/Lookup paths in a URL. You must code these paths into the template for the URL to open it:
•       -100    the Directory form (always output)
•       -101    the Directory list header (output after the -100 when a Directory search has been initiated (the second URL))
•       -102    the Directory list item (output for each element of a Directory listing)
•       -103    the Directory list footer (output after the -101 and all the -102s in a Directory listing).

History lists
The <X-FC-OBJURL> tag represents the URL to the current object, and ^H means "open history for this object". You can access these templates from a message form with <X-FC-OBJURL>^H. When a message form is rendered, <X-FC-OBJURL> is replaced by the URL to the current history list. You must code these paths into the template for the URL to open it:
These templates output history listings to the web:
•       -110    the history list header
•       -111    the history list item
•       -112    the history list footer.

Search lists
These templates output search listings to the web.
You can access these templates from URL/search, to search everything at or below the URL. You must code this path into the template for the URL to open it:
•       8000    the search for:
•       -300    the search results header
•       -301    the search results item
•       -302    the search results folder (output for every folder searched)
•       -303    the search results folder.

Who's Online lists
These templates output listings of users who are currently logged into the server. You can access these templates from /Login/Who's Online. You must code this path into the template for the URL to open it:
•       -400    the Who's Online header
•       -401    the Who's Online item
•       -402    the Who's Online footer.

Calendar lists
These templates output calendar listings to the web:
•       -158    the calendar monthly view
•       -159    the calendar weekly view
•       -160    the calendar daily view (obsolete, replaced in most cases by the daytimer view template -167).
•       -164    the calendar "today" view
•       -167    the calendar daytimer view.

Instant Messaging
These templates are used to output Instant Messaging and Instant Messaging transcripts
•       129             read-only chat transcript
•       Edit.129        active (for example, in progress) Instant Messaging.

Calendar events and tasks
These templates output event and task forms to the web:
•       161             the calendar event (read only)
•       Edit.161        the calendar event (edit)
•       163             the calendar task (read only)
•       Edit.163        the calendar task (edit).

These templates output editable message forms to the web.
•       141             the standard message form (read only)
•       Edit.141        the standard message form (edit).

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