Form tabs
Use this form to specify the basic configuration information for your system. These values provide system defaults. For information, see Setting system defaults. Some form fields will be filled in by information you enter during installation/upgrading.
Server tab
Use this tab for basic server setup.
Version |
The version number of the server you are currently running. If you need to see the service pack or build number, this information is found on the Server Monitor. |
Serial number |
The serial number you assigned to your server when it was registered. You must provide this number to other administrators setting up gateways from their servers to yours. |
Network name |
The name by which your server is known on the local area network (LAN). This name is specified in the settings files of users who connect to your server with AppleTalk or IPX. It is also specified in the Gateway Configuration form of gateways that connect to your server with AppleTalk or IPX. This field corresponds to the server network name specified in FirstClass Tools. If you change this name, you must notify all users and administrators of gateways who connect to your server with AppleTalk or IPX, and you must restart your server. NoteThis field is not used on the Mac OS X server. |
Site name |
Also referred to as "server site name". The name identifying the server within a FirstClass network. The site name corresponds to the server site name that you define in FirstClass Tools. Often this name is the same as the server network name (a unique name by which your FirstClass server will be known on the LAN). The server site name is used for routing mail within a FirstClass network. When administrators of other servers in the FirstClass network add a gateway or route to your server, the gateway or route name is the server site name for your server. Changes to server site
name take effect only when you restart the server. If you change this name, you must notify all administrators who have gateways to your server, so that they can reconfigure their gateways. If you are using Directory synchronization, we recommend that administrators of all servers in your FirstClass network force Directory synchronizations after a name change. This ensures that the change is quickly propagated throughout the network. NoteOn standalone servers that do not have a gateway to other sites and are only FirstClass servers on the local network, you can have a network name of FirstClass and a blank site
name (because it will not be used). However, we strongly recommend that you always choose a site name, because it is required by FirstClass Personal. On servers that are part of a network, the site name must uniquely identify the server, and the network name is usually the same (if the server is one of several on a LAN) or FirstClass. |
Domain name |
This name must point to the IP address (for example, fc.huskyplanes.com) of the machine on which your server is installed. |
Server priority |
The priority of server operations on this machine. An upgrade will not alter the priority of an existing installation. • High Do not choose this option. •
Medium Choose this recommended setting. • Low Background (not recommended). This option significantly reduces performance. Do not choose this option. |
Minimum free disk space |
The minimum amount of free disk space, in kilobytes, required on a volume. If the amount of free disk space drops below this value, the volume will go into write protect mode and basic tasks, like creating new messages, will not be performed by the server. This prevents the corruption of data that may occur if a volume runs completely out of disk space. Specify a value low enough so it won’t often be reached,
but high enough to allow some maneuvering room on the volume. We recommend that you specify at least 5% of the total available disk space. Heavy system users may want a larger value. |
Disable all logins |
Prevents all users, except the administrator and subadministrators, from logging in. This can be useful when you are performing maintenance tasks. |
Time zone |
The local time zone of the server. Note This time zone must be the same as the time zone set in your server machine's operating system. |
Timers tab
Use this tab to set timeout and expiry defaults.
Private mail expiry |
The maximum number of days a message stays in a user's Mailbox before expiring. Users can change this default for messages they receive in their Mailboxes, and you can also grant users the Set Expiry privilege, allowing them to set expiry periods for messages that they send. This time period starts from the last date that a message was edited. Expired messages will appear in the user's Trash Can for the number of days specified on the Group Privileges form, before being permanently deleted during full audit. Expired mail will never be removed by a single user/container audit, or an audit executed in Protected mode. |
Conference item expiry |
The maximum number of days an item stays in a conference before expiring. You can override this default for individual conferences and conference groups. You can grant users the Set Expiry privilege, allowing them to set expiry periods for items that they send to conferences. This time period starts from the last date that an item was edited. Expired items are automatically deleted during audit. |
Logoff warning interval |
The time to allow between issuing a warning message and logging users off. For example, if you specify 5 minutes and the daily time limit is 60 minutes, users will be warned at the 55 minute mark that they are about to be logged off. Users are warned if they are near their daily connection time limit, or they are about to be logged off due to inactivity. |
Modem login timeout |
The time, in seconds, that the server waits for a login message after receiving a CONNECT message from a modem. If no login message is received during this period, the call is dropped. NoteThis field is not used on the Mac OS X server. |
Audit schedule |
The time at which the automatic full audit runs each day. You can choose a start and end time, or a start time only. To determine how your site would be best configured, see Audit. The audit removes files marked for deletion and performs some corrective work on damaged files. Because an audit cannot be performed on items
in use, we recommend that you schedule it for an off-peak time. |
Start time |
Enter the start time using the 24-hour clock (where 0:00 is midnight and 23:00 is 11 PM). |
End time |
Enter the end time, or choose Completed. |
Last audit |
The date and time of the last full system audit. |
Usage Limits tab
Use this tab to set usage limit defaults.
Daily connection limit |
The maximum number of minutes users can connect to the server during one day (from 12:01 AM to midnight). For unlimited time, enter 1440. You can override the default for individual users and user groups. The administrator and subadministrators are not affected by this
limit. If a user is logged on multiple times with the same user ID, this user is considered to have been logged on for the total elapsed time for all the user's current connections. For example, a user with a limit of 120 minutes who has two concurrent sessions, both at 60 minutes, has used up the allotted time. |
Inactivity limit before logoff |
The maximum number of minutes users can be inactive during a session before being logged off. The administrator and subadministrators are not affected by this limit. You can override this default for individual users and user groups. |
Inactivity limit before deletion |
The maximum number of days users can be inactive before their accounts are deleted. The administrator and subadministrators are not affected by this limit. If you do not want users to be deleted automatically, type zero. If you want users to be deleted automatically, but not certain users, use Group Privileges to specify the user groups that are exempt from
automatic deletion. |
FirstClass Notifier limit |
The maximum number of regular users who can run FirstClass Network Notifier. The system maintains a list of the users who run FirstClass Network Notifier, and automatically notify them when they receive mail. Set this number to the estimated number of users plus 10%, with a minimum of 10 extra users. For example, if 40 users are expected to run FirstClass Network Notifiers, enter 50. If you expect 140 users, enter 154. |
Login limit per user |
The number of concurrent sessions a user can have. To disallow concurrent sessions, enter 1. If your system is licensed for FirstClass Unified
Communications, you must allow concurrent logins so users can receive voice and fax messages. |
Users tab
Use this tab to set user defaults and view license usage.
Create users and conferences on volume |
The volume on which you want to add new user accounts and conferences. Only approved volumes are listed. If you change volumes on an existing server, users and conferences that have already been created on the old volume are not affected. |
Require unique user names |
Prevents duplicate user names in the Directory. Once a user account exists for a certain name, no other user account can be registered using the same name (although variations, with initials for example, are acceptable). This option does not apply to Internet mail aliases; you must monitor these manually. It also does not affect pre-existing user names. We recommend that you select this option. If you are using
organizational units and want to permit multiple users with the same name in different organizational units, clear this checkbox. |
Remote autoregistration |
Allows autoregistration for users connecting by a remote session. |
Network autoregistration |
Allows autoregistration for users connecting by a regular network session. |
Autoregistration notification |
Causes the server to send a notification message to the administrator every time a new user autoregisters. |
Guest access |
Allows users to log into a guest account. If you select this, fill in the "Guest user ID" field. |
Guest user ID |
This can be any existing user ID. |
Command line access |
Allows users to connect to the server using a terminal, Telnet, or terminal emulator. You can use Group Privileges to override this default for a specific group. |
License usage statistics |
These fields show your license limits, the number of users currently created, and the number of users you can still create. Only FirstClass Unified Communications customers, will have Text-to-speech engines. |
Other Defaults tab
Use this tab to set additional system defaults.
Secure all Desktops |
Prevents the administrator and subadministrators from viewing users' Desktops and Mailboxes. |
Allow blank password field |
Allows users to set blank passwords. For security reasons, we recommend that you clear this. Even when this option is cleared, administrators and subadministrators can specify blank passwords, and allow autoregistered users to leave password fields blank. |
Suppress conference history |
Prevents the collection of some history information for conference items. Because each entry in the history takes about 50 bytes, and history files can get large (typically taking up from 5% to 20% of the system's disk space), selecting this option may save space if some conferences are heavily used. |
Suppress conference receipt notification |
Prevents the generation of receipts for messages sent to conferences. Because many users read messages sent to conferences, many receipt notifications may be generated. Selecting this option may save disk space. |
Legacy character set |
The character set used by items created in versions of FirstClass prior to 5.5. |
System character set |
The default character set used by items created from FirstClass 5.5 on. |
Licensing tab
The first license you add to your system is a server license with a .KEY extension. This can be added on this tab or through FirstClass scripting. All other licenses (.LIC) are now distributed through FirstClass Updates, but you can use this tab to view licensing information about your server.
When licensing a server for the first time, the server license (.KEY) must first be applied to the server. Additional licenses can be added in any order.
FirstClass supports the following license types:
• regular user licenses
• session licenses
• MP Option license
• VLS license
• LS license
• FirstClass Unified Communications licenses
• text-to-speech engine licenses.
Time-limited server licenses
Some sites have time-limited server licenses. These licenses require regular renewal. They control the period of time in which the server will operate, not the number of sessions or the features available. If you have a time-limited server, your server will notify you of the upcoming expiry and of the options available for purchasing a license renewal. You will receive these notices in sufficient time to renew your license before expiry.
Regular user and session licenses
You can add regular user or session licenses to any registered FirstClass server. Licenses can only be added to one server; you cannot have the same license on two different servers at the same time. However, you can transfer a license diskette from server to server, if your licensing needs to be changed, by removing it from the original server and then adding it to the other server. This option only pertains to license diskettes, not license files, as license files are linked to a specific server serial number.
Educational sites must use regular user licenses for all of their students and staff.
MP Option license
An MP Option license is necessary if you require more than 250 network sessions. Note that the Mac does not support more than 250 licenses; therefore, the MP Option license is not applicable to the Mac. Make sure that you have sufficient memory for the additional network sessions you will be configuring. Assuming you have already configured 250 network sessions, make sure your machine meets system requirements for more than 250 network sessions before adding the MP Option license.
After upgrading your license, you will be able to configure up to 2500 network sessions and you will be able to create more than 300 groups.
VLS License
A VLS license is necessary if you require more than 2500 network sessions. Make sure that you have sufficient memory for the additional network sessions you will be configuring. Assuming you have already configured 2500 network sessions, make sure your machine meets system requirements for more than 2500 network sessions before adding the VLS license.
After upgrading your license, you will be able to use FirstClass Tools to configure more than 2500 network sessions and you will be able to create more than 300 groups.
While running the VLS license, you cannot use the mirroring feature.
LS license
An LS license enables 100 sessions on Archive Services to allow logins by users for self-serve restore.
To free up the license, the account must be permanently removed from the Library Server's store; this means the user must be deleted from the main store then the LS store.
Unified Communications license
The FirstClass Unified Communications license permits your FirstClass server to run Voice Services.
Unified Communications User licenses
The Unified Communications User license works in conjunction with the Unified Communications license. It gives your users the ability to receive email, voice and fax messages in one central location, the FirstClass Mailbox. Additionally, they can access their voice, fax, and text messages using the telephone.
Text-to-speech engine licenses
Text-to-speech engine licenses are required for Voice Services. For more information, see the Voice Services section of the online help.
Applying a server license
To apply a server license (.KEY):
1 Click "Apply license file(s)".
2 Browse to the location of the server license file.
3 Upload and apply the license.
Removing all licenses
Before attempting this procedure, make sure you have all of your license files available, as you will need them to relicense your network store.
To remove all licenses:
1 Select "Remove ALL licensing information at server shutdown."
2 Restart the server.
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