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You can format a selected cell to change its appearance. To do this:
1 Choose Table Operations > Format Cells.
2 Update the Format Cells form.

The alignment of content within the cell.
The first field affects vertical alignment and the second affects horizontal alignment.
The number of pixels of space around all sides of the content in the cell.
Column width
The width of the column in which the cell is located.
Use the second field to specify this as a percent of the total table width or as an absolute value in pixels.
81203_42935_18.png Tip
If you want one column to stay the same size, but allow the other columns to resize with the window, make that column fixed width and the other columns a percent.
Columns have a default minimum width. You can neither make the column narrower than that minimum, nor widen it so much that another column would become narrower than the minimum. You also can't widen the rightmost column without first making the table narrower.
Row starts new page
Places the row containing the cell on a new printed page or slide in a presentation.
Makes the cell's bottom border visible. Set the border width in the next field.
If this border is part of the exterior table border, it won't be affected by these fields.
Makes the cell's right border visible. Set the border width in the next field.
If this border is part of the exterior table border, it won't be affected by these fields.
Adds the background color you specify to the cell.
Select "Use color", then choose the color you want. Click a color on the color palette or, for a custom color, type the red, green, and blue values.

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