As administrator, you need to prepare users to be able to properly use Client Migrator. This involves:
Step 1: Preparing the FirstClass server for client migration
This step involves two tasks. You must enable FirstClass scripting and adjust users' disk quota.
Enable FirstClass scripting functionality
Since Client Migrator makes use of FirstClass scripts, you must make sure the FirstClass scripting functionality is active. By default, it is disabled when the FirstClass server is initially installed. To verify its settings, log into the FirstClass server as administrator and open the Multi-Site Setup form:
Make sure "Allow FirstClass scripting" is selected, and enter a desired password.
Adjust users' disk quota appropriately
Until an audit runs, the migrated items will occupy double their actual disk space (as they exist in two locations: the migrated messages, and the script messages used to migrate them, which will be deleted by Client Migrator on the fly). Because of this, make sure each user's disk quota is at least twice the size of the original Microsoft Exchange messages.
Step 2: Generating a FirstClass Migrator license file
Client Migrator requires a FirstClass scripting password to compose the FirstClass scripts. This is the password you set in step 1. Since the password is very sensitive, Client Migrator is designed to conceal it from users. To conceal the password from users but still allow them to use it, we use the FirstClass Migrator License Generator to encode the password into a tiny binary file, called a Migrator license file. For more information about using the Migrator License Generator to generate the Migrator license file, see License Generator.
Once a Migrator license file is generated, you must distribute it to users in one of two ways:
attach it to a FirstClass message and send it to users who will be using Client Migrator
When Client Migrator logs into a user's FirstClass account, it will check the user's Mailbox for a valid Migrator license file before looking anywhere else.
send it directly to users, with instructions to put the file in the Migrator installation folder.
When Client Migrator starts migrating, if it does not find the FirstClass Migrator license file in the user's FirstClass Mailbox, it will look in this folder next.
If Client Migrator cannot find a valid FirstClass Migrator license file either in the FirstClass Mailbox or under the Migrator installation folder, it will use the default password "admin" to compose the FirstClass scripts.
In order for Client Migrator to recognize the FirstClass Migrator license file you generated, it must be named "license.cmi" (no quotes).
Step 3: Customizing the settings for Client Migrator
Client Migrator allows the administrator to create a template settings file (FCMC.INI) to distribute to users who will be using Client Migrator. It can effectively minimize the amount of information users need to customize.
To create or modify the template settings file:
1 Start Client Migrator, bypassing any login procedure you may encounter.
You will see the FirstClass Migrator for Microsoft Outlook Properties form.
3 Make changes as desired (for information about configuring FirstClass Migrator, see Using Client Migrator).
The settings file will be saved as FCMC.INI in the Migrator installation folder.
4 Distribute the file to users with instructions to put it in the folder where Client Migrator is installed.
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