General considerations
FirstClass Migrator does not support RTF format in the body of messages. Instead, the plain text within the RTF body is extracted to form the FirstClass message body, and all of the embedded items within the RTF body become message attachments.
FirstClass Migrator does not support nested (embedded) messages. These are attachments that are created by dragging an existing message and dropping it into the message you are composing, or by choosing Insert > Item from the menu. Because there is no corresponding feature in FirstClass, FirstClass Migrator ignores it.
FirstClass Migrator does not support OLE attachments. These are created by dragging and dropping an OLE object from other applications into the message you are composing, or by choosing Insert > Object from the menu. Because FirstClass does not support object level attachments, and it is not practical to convert an OLE object into a file, FirstClass Migrator ignores the OLE attachment.
FirstClass Migrator does not support Reference attachments. These are attachments within the body of the message that only contain a fully qualified path identifying the attachment instead of embedding its real content into the message. These are created by choosing Insert > Files from the menu, or by choosing the "Insert as shortcut" option. Because FirstClass does not support this feature, and embedding the content of a huge file is not practical in most cases, FirstClass Migrator ignores it.
FirstClass Migrator does not support Meeting Request forms, Journal forms, or custom forms designed by the user.
If a message recipient has not migrated to FirstClass yet, he will be represented by his SMTP address in the format:
"Display Name" <SMTP address>
If an SMTP address does not exist for that recipient, then only its quoted Display Name will be used:
"Display Name"
If the Display Name is not available either, the default recipient (Administrator) will be used instead. The original Microsoft Exchange message itself will remain untouched in the migration.
Commas in the recipient's Display Name will be replaced with the ^ character.
FirstClass Migrator will truncate item names at 23 characters, and user IDs at 15 characters, before attempting to validate them.
Since FirstClass scripting does not support the double quotation marks (") embedded in text fields (for example, message subject), FirstClass Migrator will automatically convert these double quotation marks to single quotation marks (').
The maximum subject length in FirstClass is 80 characters. If the Microsoft Exchange message subject is longer than 80 characters, it will be truncated to 77 characters by FirstClass Migrator automatically, and then an ellipsis mark (...) will be appended after the truncated subject to indicate that the original subject has been truncated.
Migration considerations
There are some considerations and restrictions to keep in mind before migrating:
Do not run more than one instance of FirstClass Migrator for Microsoft Exchange Server simultaneously.
Multiple instances of FirstClass Migrator may corrupt the Migration Status Log.
Try to run FirstClass Migrator from the same computer using the same credentials.
FirstClass Migrator stores its various settings in the local computer's Windows registry. Running FirstClass Migrator from another computer is allowed (and is usually a requirement in a multi-site Microsoft Exchange environment), but will make your previous settings inaccessible.
Additional considerations for a multi-site Microsoft Exchange environment
Here are some additional considerations for a multi-site Microsoft Exchange environment:
Install a copy of FirstClass Migrator for each Microsoft Exchange site, with the same configuration for each.
Try to install FirstClass Migrator on computers with local network access to the corresponding Microsoft Exchange site. It will dramatically improve migration efficiency.
FirstClass Migrator can only migrate Microsoft Exchange accounts and distribution lists native to the local Microsoft Exchange site. For accounts and distribution lists on other Microsoft Exchange sites, switch to those sites and run FirstClass Migrator locally.
Before performing a migration on a Microsoft Exchange site, perform a full synchronization between Microsoft Exchange sites to make sure that the necessary information has been updated. This is especially important for public folders.
Appointment considerations
FirstClass Migrator does not support resource-type participants (for example, location or equipment).
Because our FirstClass calendar does not currently support calendar exception, the calendar exceptions in Microsoft Exchange Server are mapped into FirstClass by dividing the original appointment into several parts.
For example, in Microsoft Exchange Server, a weekly appointment is scheduled for every Thursday from April 6, 2000 to February 7, 2002, with one exception: the Thursday, June 14, 2001 meeting is rescheduled to Tuesday, June 12, 2001.
FirstClass will divide this entry into three parts:
April 6, 2000 June 13, 2001
June 12, 2001
June 21, 2001 February 7, 2002.
If the exception of the original appointment is changed, so the last occurrence is moved from February 7, 2002 to February 10, 2002, the appointment will be divided into two parts:
April 6, 2000 February 6, 2002
February 10, 2002.
The calendar exception "Occurrence Cancellation" on Microsoft Exchange Server is not currently supported. For example, referring to the original example, if there is a cancellation on Thursday, June 14, 2001, this cancellation will not be recognized when migrating.
Recurrence patterns are partially supported. All of the recurrence patterns supported by the FirstClass calendar will be mapped accurately, while the other patterns will change into supported patterns in the most reasonable way.
The details of this most reasonable mapping are listed below:
Every X days will change to daily
"Every Friday and Sunday" and so on (where at least one day is a weekend day) will change to daily and the event will occur every day
"Every Monday and Thursday" and so on (where both days are weekdays) will change to weekdays and the event will occur every weekday
Same day every X months (X > 2) will change to monthly
Same weekday every X months will change to monthly same weekday
Same weekday yearly will change to yearly, same date.
To facilitate the most reasonable mapping, the original recurrence pattern will be appended after the Location field in text. For example, if the original Location field is "Roy痴 Office", after appended with the recurrence information, it will read as "Roy痴 Office. Recurrence on the same weekday every 3 weeks."
Task considerations
"Low priority" is not supported. It is considered normal priority.
Due date is always set to 11:59:59 PM on the same day.
Reminder time is converted from an accurate time point ( for example, Tue 9/11/01, 8:00 AM) to an equivalent time (such as hours or minutes) before due time (for example, Time before due date: 1 hour).
Private distribution list considerations
The note text and attachments are not supported.
The list member is represented by its SMTP address until it is migrated. If it does not have an SMTP address, it is ignored, and the member is permanently removed from the list.
Private mail user considerations
Long note text is not supported. Only four or five lines can be migrated from the Notes field (on the Microsoft Exchange Server Contact form).
Double quotation marks (") within the note text will be replaced with single quotation marks (').