The default forms
FirstClass contains a default set of forms that are available to all users. Copies of these forms are contained in the Example.fc settings file that ships with FirstClass Designer. You can use these copies as bases for your customization.
Each form has a unique resource ID. FirstClass uses this ID to ensure, for example, that a message form used by a recipient to view a message is the same as the form used by the sender to create the message. When you open Example.fc in FirstClass Designer, you see the resource IDs for all the default forms.
Special considerations
While working with forms in FirstClass Designer, you can switch between a 3D and a non-3D view. To do this, choose View > 3D Look. To change the default view for all forms, select "3D look" in your FirstClass Designer preferences.
If you want to use a custom form with the Internet Services
component of FirstClass, you must also create an HTML template of this form. For information on form templates, see our Internet Services help.
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