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About icons
An icon field can display a default FirstClass icon or any custom icon in the settings file or stored on your server.
The field actually contains a pointer to the selected resource. Because this field contains a pointer, not a copy of the resource, the resource must be available when users view the field. This means that if you select a custom icon, this custom resource must stay in the settings file or be stored on the server.
Icon field when drawn:
Icon field when complete:

Adding icons
1       Choose Fields > Graphics > Icon.
2       Add this field to the form.
3       Double-click the field to display all available icons, then click the one you want.
You can also use the Field Attributes form to add the icon, as described below.
4       Size the field to fit the contents, if desired, by choosing Arrange > Size > Actual Size.
5       Update the following fields on the Contents tab of the Field Attributes form as required:

Res ID
The resource ID of the icon.
You will need to use this method for adding the icon to the field if the icon is stored on the server rather than in the settings file.
Field control
Update if you want this field to control another field.

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