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About editable text fields
An editable text field lets users enter or edit plain text.
Editable text field when drawn:
Editable text field when complete:

Adding editable text fields
1       Choose Fields > Text & Numbers > Editable Text.
2       Add this field to the form.
3       Update the following fields on the Field Attributes form as required:

Attributes tab
Word wrap
Causes text that is longer than one line to wrap to the next line.
We recommend selecting this for fields that normally contain a lot of text, such as comments or notes.
Contents tab
The text you want in this field.
This is optional. Only type text if you want to specify a default value for the field.
Maximum length
The maximum number of characters that can be typed in this field, if you want to limit the length of editable text.
If you don't impose a limit that fits the size of the field, and users enter text that is longer than the field, the text will scroll as they type.

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