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About collapsible groups
A collapsible group is a group of fields that can be expanded or collapsed by users, FirstClass Application Services (FCAS), or a database extension. For information on FCAS, see the Application Services help conference.
When the group is collapsed, it is hidden, and any fields below it move up to fill in the space.
Collapsible group when drawn:
Collapsible group when complete:

Adding collapsible groups
1       Choose Fields > Buttons & Groups > Collapsible Group.
2       Add this field to the form.
3       Update the following fields on the Contents tab of the Field Attributes form as required:

The title of the group.
Ignore bounds
Makes all fields below the group move up when the group is collapsed.
If this field is cleared, only fields directly below the group move up, not fields that are below it but off to the side.
User collapsible
Allows users to collapse and expand the group. This displays a disclosure triangle beside the group title.
If this field is cleared, there is no disclosure triangle, and you must use FCAS or a database extension to collapse and expand the group.
You can select this field and still use FCAS or a database extension, so that both methods are available.
Initially collapsed
Makes the field appear collapsed when the form is first opened.
4       Populate this field with the fields that you want to expand and collapse.
If you want the field labels of one or more of these fields to appear in a summary line when the group is collapsed, select "Include in summary" when you create those fields. This is an example of a summary:
81203_42521_14.png        Note
A checkbox label will only appear in the summary if it has been selected.

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