How this help is organized
When you choose Help > Contents, you see a number of help conferences:
ï Administration contains information on tasks that must be performed by the FirstClass administrator or subadministrator
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï Internet Services contains information on using FirstClass Internet Services
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï Voice Services contains information on using FirstClass Voice Services
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï Customization Tools contains information on using FirstClass Designer and FirstClass Rapid Application Developer (FCRAD)
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï Connectors & Migrators contains information on using FirstClass Migrator and FirstClass Connector
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï Client Help contains information on using the FirstClass client
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï Web Help contains information on using FirstClass over the web
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï ScreenReader Help contains information on using FirstClass with a ScreenReader
ï Webmail Help contains information on using FirstClass with the Webmail templates
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï HandHelds Help contains information on using browsers on handheld devices to access FirstClass and using the Palm client to syncronize with your FirstClass Desktop
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï Practical Uses for FirstClass includes tips, tricks, and ideas for getting the most out of FirstClass
The document called What's in this help is a table of contents for this conference. It provides links to the other documents.
ï Using FirstClass ED contains information about using FirstClass ED
ï Form contains information on how to fill in FirstClass forms
You normally open this help directly from a form by choosing Help > About this Window from the form's menu (or pressing F1). You will see the help that applies to this form.
ï Definitions contains a glossary of terms used by FirstClass. There are also links to these definitions within the help documents.
Searching help
You can search for help documents exactly as you search any other FirstClass conference. Open the conference, then choose Edit > Find. For information about how to use the Find form, choose Help > About this Window from the Find form's menu.
To search for words within a help document, choose Edit > Find from the document's menu.
As an alternative to choosing Edit > Find, you can click this toolbar button:
Navigating help
The following buttons on a help document's toolbar let you move around the help system:
This is the Contents button. It opens the same help window you see when you choose Help > Contents.
This is the Next button. It replaces the help document you are in with the next one in this series of related documents. Clicking this button is like turning the page in a book.
This is the Previous button. It replaces the help document you are in with the previous one in this series of related documents. Clicking this button is like flipping back a page in a book.
Seeing pictures full size
In some cases, we shrink pictures to make them fit the help window. To see the full-size version of a picture, double-click it. It will open in a separate window.
If you can't do everything you read about here
This help documents all the features available in FirstClass. Depending on the way your administrator has set up your user account, you may not be able to use all of FirstClass' features. For example, you may be able to read messages in certain areas, but not delete them. If you're not sure whether you should be able to use a particular feature, contact your administrator.
Information that only applies if you have the Unified Communications component of FirstClass is preceded by
This help is subject to change without notice. Certain features and products described in this help may not be currently available in all geographic regions. Distribution or reproduction of this help in whole or in part must be in accordance with the terms of the License Agreement.
All rights reserved. FirstClass, Centrinity, Livelink, Open Text and other trademarks and the associated logos used herein are trademarks of Open Text Corporation and/or its subsidiary used under license. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
This version of the help applies to FirstClass Version 8.3 and all subsequent versions and modifications until otherwise indicated.
The FirstClass Designer documentation still describes the 8.0 version. The "New in this version" document contains a short summary of 8.1 changes.
Contacting us
For more information about our products, or to download software, visit our web site at
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