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81903_22607_2.pngLog the minutes of a meeting

Minimum version: FirstClass 8.0

Audience: Business professionals

Experience:  9203_22631_1.png
Features we use:
           9203_24337_3.pnginstant messaging/chat room
9203_31709_1.png Summary
Want an easy way to log the minutes of an online meeting? Use FirstClass as a secretary. Set up the chat room session in advance to save the transcript. When the meeting concludes, simply save the session to a folder or conference to share with other participants, or for later reference. No need for anyone to type out the meeting minutes.
9203_31709_1.png Example
Michael Green is the VP of Sales and Marketing at Husky Planes. Every two weeks he has online meetings with his out-of-town employees, which he books in the team calendar. Just before each meeting, Michael opens a new chat room for the meeting and sets it to save the transcript.
At the designated time, the employees enter the chat room. Once a participant enters the room, a red balloon appears on the chat icon.
When the meeting concludes, Michael moves the chat room into a folder called Meeting Minutes for everyone to view. Whenever somebody opens the chat room session in the future, they will see a transcript of the meeting in the chat window.
For the next meeting, Michael simply creates a new chat room.
9203_31709_1.png Variation
Another way Michael can save the transcript is to copy the contents of the chat window after the meeting and paste it into a FirstClass document. Then he can post the document in the Meeting Minutes folder. The advantage of this method is that he can annotate or edit the minutes, and he doesn't have to create a new chat room for every meeting. However, he also runs the risk of forgetting to copy the transcript before closing the window.
Here is the transcript from a meeting he conducted, with Michael's annotations.

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