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9203_31808_2.pngWhat is a webquest?
A webquest is an Internet activity which asks students to use the World Wide Web to learn about a specific topic. It is an excellent model for teachers searching for ways to incorporate the Internet into the classroom.
A well-designed webquest lets you turn your students loose on the web for a specific project and get results that both you and your students will like.
The concept of webquests was developed by Bernie Dodge (San Diego University) in 1995. He defines a webquest as "an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet."
A good webquest makes learning interesting for your students. It puts the power of the web behind your topic, taking students anywhere in the world. Students can discover for themselves the value of research. They can work at their own pace, individually or in groups.
A webquest lets students explore selected areas in more depth, but within limits that you have selected. This makes webquests ideal for classes which combine students with different ability levels.
9203_31808_2.pngHow do I find webquests?
Perform an Internet search on "webquest". You will find many links to webquest sites. For more accurate results, consider refining your search based on your area of study.
9203_31808_2.pngHow do I use FirstClass with webquests?
Once you have chosen a webquest, think about what you have read thus far in the Developing Projects conference, and modify the webquest for your students as required so they can develop and present the project in FirstClass.

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