ng and showcasing
Traditional presentations
Once the final project has been put together, you may need to present it. Traditionally, presentations may include cardboard pictures, numerous photocopies prepared for handouts, and hair-pulling to organize and secure resources such as an overhead projector. By creating the projects in a FirstClass environment, you eliminate the need to organize huge presentation models and the time required to organize resources.
FirstClass presentations
When the team prepares the presentation, they can compile their notes in a single document. Each "slide" is separated within the document using a page break. You can display graphics and point form notes, just like the Microsoft Powerpoint presentations you may be used to.
To start the slide show, you simply choose Show Presentation from the menu.
These are the first couple of slides in a sample Sales presentation.
Booking resources
To present this project, you will require a computer and possibly a projector. These can be booked through the use of resource calendars. Each piece of equipment that can be booked has its own calendar. You will book the presentation in a group calendar or personal calendar, and then, on the Resources tab, you will list the equipment you require. Not only does FirstClass schedule the presentation, but it automatically books the required equipment too. You won't need to run around making sure the equipment will be available or check where it will be.
Your organization may handle the booking of resources in a couple of different ways:
It may rely on employees to retrieve their own equipment once they have signed it out through the appropriate resource calendar.
It may have IT staff that monitors each resource calendar and makes sure the required equipment is in the appropriate location when you need it.
This is the Resources tab where you can book the resources you need.
There are also calendars to let you book specific locations, such as a small boardroom or large conference room. These location calendars work the same way as the resource calendars.
This is a location calendar for the small boardroom.
Traditional showcasing
Once you have presented the product, or instead of presenting it, you may want to showcase it for others to view, review, or use. Showcasing creativity online is a wonderful way to promote a product to customers, inspire employees, and generate new ideas. Traditionally, you may display a product by passing around an email or a handout.
FirstClass makes it easy to showcase work to peers and customers, all online.
FirstClass showcasing
You can display the project in FirstClass in a number of ways. You can make them available to peers and/or the rest of the company through public conferences, or to customers by making those public conferences available over the web. You can limit the view to customers by giving them guest accounts with passwords. This way, customers can see what you want them to in a secure environment. It also eliminates the need to pass around a paper product.
This is a sample of how employees may showcase a product in a public conference.
This conference can also be made available over the web.