FirstClassョ Enterprise Edition (FirstClass) is an interactive environment that facilitates communication and collaboration among business associates and improves communication with customers.
FirstClass offers a broad communications environment to business professionals and customers that is not limited by physical boundaries. Any user can connect to FirstClass via a local network, modem, or the Internet using the FirstClass client software or a web browser.
FirstClass removes time and distance barriers. Through a FirstClass client or a web browser, you can collaborate from anywhere in the world, making use of resources that might not have been available previously. You can experience one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many communication both synchronously (in real time) and asynchronously, whether locally or on the other side of the world, through personal email, instant messaging, and conferences.
FirstClass allows you to deliver presentations in a variety of formats. It supports text, graphics and sound files across platforms. Further, you can develop information plans and business proposals, communicate privately within your department, within your company, or with employees and customers offsite, and receive group collaboration on ideas and projects, all online.
Depending on your company policies and how your FirstClass administrator has set up your user profile, you may not be able to use all of the FirstClass features. For example, you may not be able to create conferences, or, you may be able to browse certain conferences, but not be able to contribute messages.
Project Management is intended mainly for business professionals who use FirstClass. Additionally, any person who communicates in an office environment or who is responsible for project planning or group collaboration may also find this information useful.
This conference is your source for ideas. It discusses how you and your project members can use FirstClass to develop your projects in a business environment. It shows you how to perform the various tasks involved in project development, from planning the project to presenting the final product. It lists some of the ways you can use FirstClass to accomplish each step, and supports the ideas with detailed examples.
Throughout this conference, we provide various examples from the fictional company, Husky Planes. These examples have been designed to show you how each section's discussion can be applied.
This conference does not document how to use FirstClass features. For that information, see the online help material or consider taking a FirstClass training course.
This conference is intended for people using FirstClass or a web browser such as Netscapeョ Communicator or Microsoftョ Internet Explorer to work with FirstClass.
We assume that you are familiar with:
your operating system (Windowsョ or Mac OS)
basic web browser use (if you are using a web browser).
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