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81903_22607_2.pngSchedule staff meetings

Minimum version: FirstClass 5.5

Audience: Business professionals

Experience:  9203_22631_1.png
Features we use:
            9203_24337_3.pngcalendars, public
9203_31709_1.png Summary
Use a FirstClass calendar to schedule staff meetings. Your employees have no excuse not to attend, as it's right in the group calendar.
9203_31709_1.png Example
Michael Green is the VP of Sales and Marketing at Husky Planes. He schedules monthly staff meetings to update the employees about what is happening in the Sales and Marketing department. There is a company calendar in the staff area, and Michael uses this calendar to schedule all of his staff meetings.
He adds an event to the calendar by highlighting the desired day and choosing File > New > New Event, and completing the Calendar Event form.
When a new event is added to the calendar, a red flag appears in the top right corner of the calendar icon.
This is the calendar Michael uses to schedule the staff meetings.

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