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Outbound call detail recording
Outbound calls made using Voice Services functionality (transfers, system reverts, call sender, or through dial) can be logged for billing or reporting purposes. Since the generated log file is an ASCII file in tab delimitted format, it can be imported and incorporated into many proprietary telephone billing systems with only minimal development work.
The call detail log will be written to the location specified on the Call Logging tab of the Voice Services Administration form.
The outbound call detail record contains the following information (the numbers on the example correspond to the numbered section below):
1       The call detail record type.
2       The FirstClass Client ID of the user who placed the call.
3       The FirstClass User ID of the user who placed the call.
4       The name of the user who placed the call.
5       The primary DN of the user who placed the call.
6       The primary organizational unit ID of the user who placed the call.
7       The outbound phone number called by the user.
8       The phone number the call originated from (i.e. the number that called the user).
9       The inbound port number. If this information is unavailable, it will be 0.
10      The outbound port number. If this information is unavailable, it will be 0.
11      The phone number used to make the outbound call. This field is only applicable on digital systems which have lines configured specifically for outbound dialing.
12      The Voice Services gateway name identifying which clustered Voice Service was used. If you are not using clustered Voice Services, this will be the voice gateway name.
13      The outgoing call style. This is how your system handles call transfers. The possible values are:
•       Extended
•       Transferred.
14      The reason code, or function used to generate the outgoing call. Possible values are:
•       Call sender
•       Greeting transfer
•       System revert
•       Through dial
•       Voice menu transfer.
15      The call type. Voice Services currently supports Direct Dialed calls only.
16      The date and time the outbound call was placed.
17      The duration of the call. This can only be tracked for T1 configurations.

Inbound call detail recording
Inbound calls to Voice Services can be logged for reporting purposes. Since the generated log file is an ASCII file in tab delimitted format, it can be imported and incorporated into many proprietary telephone billing systems with only minimal development work.
The call detail log will be written to the location specified on the CDR tab of the Voice Services Administration form.
The inbound call detail record contains the following information (the numbers on the example correspond to the numbered section below):
1       The call detail record type.
2       The FirstClass Client ID of the user who received the call.
3       The FirstClass User ID of the user who received the call.
4       The name of the user who received the call.
5       The DN that was called.
6       The primary organizational unit ID of the user who received the call.
7       The phone number from which the call was placed.
8       The inbound port number. If this information is unavailable, it will be 0.
9       The Voice Services gateway name identifying which clustered Voice Service was used. If you are not using clustered Voice Services, this will be the voice gateway name.
10      The reason code, which will be Call Answer for all inbound calls.
11      The date and time of the inbound call.
12      The duration of the call.

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