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Analog line
An analog line is a voice/data line used for a phone, modem, or fax. The sound is transported as an electrical current in wave format. Most residential phones use analog transmission. For higher quality sound and faster transmission, the analog signal is usually converted to digital at the CO and then converted back to analog at the receiving party's CO.
An Add-On Module is the attendant’s console displaying extra extensions on the phone system that the receptionist monitors.
Call forward.
Call forward busy.
Call forward no answer.
Client ID. This is the FirstClass Unified Communications user’s system identification. It is how Voice Services determines if the person called has a valid user account. Voice Services can then determine the user’s preferences and the greeting to be played for the caller.
Calling Line ID. This is the number from which a call is originated.
The Central Office. It is the phone company’s local primary switch for your phone line or PBX.
Connected Systems PBXLink
The Connected Systems PBXLink links your PBX to Voice Services by emulating a digital phone with an add-on module. It acts like a virtual receptionist, receiving incoming call notification from the PBX. The Connected Systems PBXLink decodes information about the call and sends an SMDI message to Voice Services so the call can be accurately processed.
Once the caller hangs up, a signal is sent from Voice Services to the Connected Systems PBXLink to activate the Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) on the user’s phone. Once all new messages are retrieved, another signal is sent to the Connected Systems PBXLink to turn off the MWI.
Direct Inward Dial. This is a phone line within your phone switch that is dialable directly from external numbers. No receptionist or other manual intervention is required to route the call from the CO to the user.
Dialable Number. This is a phone number alias for a FirstClass Unified Communications user’s Mailbox (the user’s extension or virtual extension). Every FirstClass Unified Communications user has a DN, or multiple DNs, which can include pager, cellular, or home phone numbers.
Dialogic D240JCT
24-channel (23 B-channels, 1 D-channel) Voice board by Intel used in T1 PRI Voice Services configurations.
Dialogic D480JCT
48-channel (47 B-channels, 1 D-channel) Voice board by Intel used in T1 PRI Voice Services configurations.
Dialogic D/MF240        
24-channel fax resource board by Intel used in T1 PRI Voice Services configurations.
Digital line
A digital line transports sound as a sequence of binary digits. The analog wave signal is broken into bits and transmitted and processed in the form of alternating high and low states. Digital transmission is more clear and reliable over long distances. Most PBXs use digital transmission.
European version of T1.
Message Centre Interface. This is the type of message the NEC NEAX 2400 PBX sends to Voice Services containing the caller ID, the called number, and the reason for the call.
Message Waiting Indicator. This is the feature on your phone which alerts you when you have new messages in your Mailbox. It could be a light on the phone, or a stuttered dial tone.
Originally Called Number. This is the number that was originally dialed. No matter how many times a call is transferred on route to the destination, the originally called number should remain in the call packet.
The Private Branch eXchange is the phone switch within your office that feeds to all internal extensions.
Pilot number
FirstClass Unified Communications users dial the pilot number to access their messages by phone, so it must be dialable from an outside line. No other lines used by Voice Services will ever be dialed directly.
Prime number
The pilot number.
Redirected number.
Simple Message Desk Interface message. It contains specific call information:
•       the origin (caller)
•       destination (who the call is for)
•       the reason the call was received:
•       CF (call forward)
•       CFNA (call forward no answer)
•       CFB (call forward busy)
•       the port where the call is waiting to be processed.
The SMDI information is passed to Voice Services so the call can be accurately processed. The SMDI message can be created by the Connected Systems PBXLink, or for systems that do not use a PBX link (Centrex systems), it can come directly from the switch via an SMDI line.
SMDI line
A dedicated direct line from the CO which carries SMDI messages only.
T1 PRI  
A digital transmission system that clusters 24 trunk lines into a single two-way phone/data line from the CO to the destination. A T1-PRI line is made up of 1 D-channel and 23 B-channels. The D-channel carries the call information for all channels and the actual calls are carried on the B-channels. Therefore, one T1-PRI line can simultaneously transmit 23 calls.
Text-to-speech. A technology that makes it possible for a computer to "read" your text messages to you over a phone.
Telephone user interface.
Voice Services
The FirstClass module that links your phone system to your FirstClass server.

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