Migrating user information from Microsoft Exchange Server to FirstClass using FirstClassョ Migrator for Microsoft Outlookョ
FirstClassョ Migrator for Microsoft Outlookョ (Client Migrator) migrates users' private messaging information from Microsoft Outlook to FirstClass, including remote mailboxes residing on the Microsoft Exchange Server, and personal message stores (.PST files) located on the local machine.
Client Migrator can be used alone, or can be combined with FirstClass Migrator for Microsoft Exchange Server to achieve the additional ability to translate message recipients to the appropriate FirstClass names (as long as they were migrated first).
Installation requirements
Microsoft 32-bit Windows platform (Windows 95 or higher or Windows NT 4.0 or higher)
Intel Pentium CPU
64 MB memory
Microsoft Outlook 2000 (or Microsoft Outlook 97/98 with Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher)
FirstClass Client 6 or higher
Connection to FirstClass 6 Server or higher
Connection to Microsoftョ Exchange Server 5.5 or Microsoft Exchange Server 2000\
STEP 1: Install Client Migrator
To install Client Migrator:
1 Launch the FirstClass Migrator for Microsoft Outlook Installer application (FCMC.exe).
2 Follow the prompts.
Your administrator may send you one or more configuration files ("LICENSE.CMI" and/or "FCMC.INI") with the Client Migrator software. Put these files in the same folder where Client Migrator is installed.
STEP 2: Configure Client Migrator
Your administrator may provide a preset INI file with the Client Migrator software, which contains configuration values suitable for your specific computing environment. If this is the case, skip this step. Otherwise, you should configure Client Migrator yourself using the following information as a guide.
To configure Client Migrator:
1 Start Client Migrator, bypassing any login procedure you may encounter.
2 Choose Edit > Settings, or click Settings on the Toolbar.
You will see the FirstClass Migrator for Microsoft Outlook Properties form, which consists of three tabs: General, FirstClass, and Migration.
3 Make changes as desired.
Restart Client Migrator for the changes to take effect.
General tab
Application mode
In Compliant mode, Client Migrator downloads the entire FirstClass Directory just before message migration. The FirstClass Directory information is used to convert message recipients to appropriate FirstClass names.
In Stand Alone mode, Client Migrator does not download the Directory information, so message recipients are represented by their SMTP addresses.
Enable Runtime Log
The Runtime Log is a time-tagged collection of information and events in plain text format. It contains various application activities (such as network connection events, migration process and results), warnings, errors, and debug information (only under Debug mode) as they occur. The Runtime Log information is saved in a series of ".log" files in the Migrator installation folder.
Each Client Migrator session generates a new Runtime Log file. These log files are named using this naming convention:
FCMC_ is the prefix to identify Migrator Runtime Log files, and is used by the integrated Runtime Log Browser to enumerate Runtime Log files
YYYY_MM_DD is the start date of the current Migrator session
hh_mm_ss is the start time of the current Migrator session.
Log level
The Runtime Log classifies all input into one of the following three catalogs:
This is information describing various application activities, events, and results.
These are non-critical errors that may or may not interfere with migration.
These are fatal conditions, events, or results that prevent Client Migrator from functioning properly.
Each catalog is displayed in a different color to help you locate specific log information quickly while browsing log content.
You can specify which information you would like the Runtime Log to record by selecting one of the following four log levels:
Quiet: no information will be logged
Basic: only Info will be logged
Normal: all information will be logged except Warning
Detailed: all information will be logged.
FirstClass tab
FirstClass Server address
Enter the domain name or IP address of the FirstClass server.
FirstClass user ID
Enter your user ID (or the user ID of the person whose information you are migrating).
Network proxy settings
If you are using default proxy settings, select "Using the system default proxy settings".
Generally, if there's no proxy server (firewall) sitting between your machine and the FirstClass server, "Proxy Server Address" should be left at its default value of " : 1080", meaning a direct connection. If your machine sits behind a proxy server (firewall), and accesses a remote FirstClass server, the proxy settings must be configured. You can usually rely on the proxy settings that were used to configure Internet Explorer on your machine.
Migration tab
Migration script concurrency
The maximum number of FirstClass scripts Client Migrator can submit simultaneously.The valid range is from 1 to 100, where 1 means disabled.
If this option is disabled, Client Migrator will not submit the next script until a reply has been received from the previous script.
If this option is enabled, Client Migrator sends FirstClass scripts consecutively without waiting for replies from previous FirstClass scripts. When the specified limitation is reached, Client Migrator stops sending scripts until a new reply is received.
Maximum messages within each script
The maximum number of messages each FirstClass script can contain. The valid range is from 1 to 1000, where 1 means disabled. While this option can dramatically accelerate message migration, it also puts a strain on the FirstClass server, especially when you specified a large value.
Set Last Modified time of FirstClass messages
Select this option if you prefer to set the migrated FirstClass messages' Last Modified Time field against the original message timestamps. "As Original Last Modified time" keeps the messages' original Last Modified Time. "As Original Exchange Received time" sets the messages' Last Modified Time as the original Received Time.
FirstClass servers prior to version 8.0 do not support modifications to the message Last Modified time using FirstClass scripting.
FirstClass script reply timeout
Client Migrator relies on a script reply to determine migration results. However, under certain circumstances (for example. invalid FirstClass scripting password, network connection interruption, etc.), the script reply is not returned. To ensure this does not hinder the migration, Client Migrator monitors each sent script message's reply time against this timeout setting, and prompts the user with a timeout error message if this value is exceeded.
The default value is 60 seconds, and the valid range is 1 to 3600 seconds.
STEP 3: Start Client Migrator and select messages to migrate
When Client Migrator starts, you may be prompted to log into Microsoft Exchange. If you have already logged in with Microsoft Outlook, Client Migrator will automatically share the existing MAPI session instead of requiring you to log in again.
Once logged in, Client Migrator will try to compile all accessible private message stores, including your remote Exchange mailbox and local personal message stores (.PST files). These message stores will be displayed in the Client Migrator main window:
The left pane lists compiled private message stores in a tree view, including their subfolders. Migrated folders and their content are shown in reverse colors (in the example above, this means white text on a grey background).
When you select a folder, the messages contained within it are listed in the right pane in detail. Migrated messages have their migration time displayed in the "Migrated" column, and are also shown in reverse colors. Messages that have not yet been migrated are automatically selected for the next migration. You can select or unselect these messages by selecting/unselecting their corresponding checkbox.
You cannot select entire folders, only the messages contained within. Client Migrator creates the folder structure as required before migrating the messages.
STEP 4: Migrate
Once you have selected the messages, you are ready to migrate.
Before migrating, make sure your FirstClass account has an unused disk quota at least twice the size of messages you are selecting to migrate.
To start the migration, click Migrate on the toolbar.
You will first be prompted to log into FirstClass:
If the login is successful, Client Migrator locates a valid FirstClass Migrator License file.
In Compliant mode, Client Migrator downloads the whole FirstClass Directory before migrating messages. The FirstClass Directory information is cached locally as a reference while converting message recipients to appropriate FirstClass names.
Before migrating messages, Client Migrator will create the necessary folders on FirstClass. The root folder of each message store is created directly on your FirstClass Desktop. If a folder with the same name already exists on the Desktop, the new folder's name is expanded with an indexed suffix. The inner hierarchy of each migrated message store remains identical to the original. Messages are migrated into the same folders as the original messages, except for appointment, task, contact, and private distribution list items, which are redirected to your personal address book and calendar folders respectively.
While migrating an object (folder or message), Client Migrator highlights it by setting its background color to yellow. Once it is migrated successfully, it is displayed in reverse colors (for example, white text on a grey background that was formerly grey text on a white background).
During the migration, you can monitor the migration process by opening the Runtime Log pane located at the lower portion of the main window.
The Runtime Log pane can accommodate a maximum of 500 Runtime Log entries. When exceeded, the oldest entries are automatically removed.
You can stop the migration at any time by clicking Stop on the toolbar. The following dialog box will pops up, letting you confirm the stop request:
When you click OK, Client Migrator stops sending new FirstClass scripts, but continues to wait for replies from previous FirstClass scripts. You can select "Force FirstClass logoff" to make FirstClass Migrator quit migration immediately without waiting for replies.
When the migration finishes, all message stores are reloaded and the main window is refreshed.
STEP 5: Review the migration
To verify that the migration was executed as desired, log into your FirstClass account using the FirstClass client to review the migrated messages.
You can also browse the Runtime Log for detailed information (Tools > Runtime Log Browser).
The upper pane shows all Runtime Log files under the Migrator installation folder. It identifies Runtime Log files using the file naming convention:
The lower pane displays the content of the Runtime Log file that you selected in the upper pane. Warnings and errors are differentiated by color.