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Graphics display fine on Mac, but not in Windows
This error occurs if PICT files contain vector information. Use your graphics application to save the graphic in bitmap format.
Graphics that are in my settings file do not show up at all
FirstClass needs more memory.
Settings files created with the Windows version of FirstClass Designer open in Windows but not on Mac
To open a settings file created in Windows, a Mac user must:
1       Start FirstClass.
2       Choose File > Open.
3       Select the settings file.
4       Click Change It when prompted to convert.
After the settings file is converted, the user can open it by double-clicking it or by dragging it to the FirstClass application icon.
Some font styles appear on Mac, but not in Windows
Windows does not support outline, shadowed, condensed, or extended text.
My custom resources are not showing up on the web
If you created a custom form, you must also create an HTML template of this form.
To render custom sounds or background pictures, you must use HTML code.
Some buttons in older settings files no longer work
Certain FirstClass command numbers have changed.

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