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About customized toolbar buttons
You can create forms containing customized buttons, then make these buttons available to your users. To do this:
1       Create a form by choosing Form > New > Toolbar.
2       Add any buttons you want to this form.
3       Assign the form a resource ID in the range 11100 to 11199 when you update the Properties/Info form.
This form will appear as a category when users open the Customize Toolbar form. The category name will match the name you gave this form.

Tips for command button icons
When FirstClass encounters command buttons on toolbars, it automatically adds the icons that correspond to the commands for these buttons. For this reason, you do not need to assign an icon resource ID when you are adding a command button to a toolbar form.
If you are importing a customized icon for a command button that will be used on a toolbar form, give this icon a resource ID of 11000 plus the appropriate command number. For example, a customized Print icon would have a resource ID of 11009.

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