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About date selectors
A date selector lets users select a date from a popup calendar.
When date and time values are displayed in this field, users can also drag the cursor to change them, as described in our online help.
Date selector when drawn:
Date selector when used:

Adding date selectors
1       Choose Fields > Selectors > Date Selector.
2       Add this field to the form.
3       Update the following fields on the Contents tab of the Field Attributes form as required:

Date format
The format in which you want to see selected dates in this field.
Dropdown icon ID
The resource ID for the icon on the popup calendar button. The value Default results in the standard down arrow.
Include time
Includes a field on the popup calendar that lets users choose or type a time.
Allow no date
Includes a None button on the popup calendar. This lets users close the popup calendar without specifying values.
Any values that you want mapped to text. You will not normally need to put anything here. This field is only used to substitute text when specific dates are chosen from the popup calendar. It is not appropriate for calendars that include time.
Type the list entries in the following format, separating each entry with a semicolon (;):
For example, you could substitute the text "New Year's Day" whenever users chose January 1. You need to calculate the number of seconds from January 1, 1904 to midnight, December 31 of the applicable year to arrive at the proper value. You would then type
New Year's Day=seconds
0 to 86399 seconds represent January 1, 1904, 86400 to 172799 seconds represent January 2, 1904, and so on.
You could also put initial instructions in the field, such as "Choose a date". You would do this by typing
Choose a date=0

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