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Sets the body text for an email message.
This attribute is optional as body text is not required for an email message to be sent.
emailvariable.Body [= string expression]
string expression can have any text value and is not limited to valid users on the system.
Sub Main()
        Dim MyMessage As Email
         MyMessage.Body = "FCAS demo, you are using too much disk space."
End Sub
Sets the sender's identity for an email message.
This attribute must be set or the email message will not be delivered.
emailvariable.From [= string expression]
string expression can have any text value and is not limited to valid users on the system.
Sub Main()
        Dim MyMessage As Email
        MyMessage.From = "Administrator"
End Sub
Sets the subject text for an email message.
This attribute is optional as subject text is not required for an email message to be sent.
emailvariable.Subject [= string expression]
string expression can have any text value.
Sub Main()
        Dim MyMessage As Email
        MyMessage.Subject = "Too many files..."
End Sub
Sets the recipient's user name for an email message.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
The To attribute supports FirstClass mail lists, but does not currently support the use of gateways. If the user name is invalid, the email message will fail. This attribute must be set or the email message will not be delivered.
emailvariable.To [= username]
username can be any user or conference name as long as the user has send privileges to the recipient.
Sub Main()
        Dim MyMessage As Email
        MyMessage.To = "FCAS Demo"
End Sub

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