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Activates an event on a form.
The event is triggered when the form is activated. A form is activated when the form receives focus.
Clicks an event on a form.
The event is triggered when the user clicks on the form body or on a protected field on the form.
Deactivates an event on a form.
The event is triggered when the form is deactivated. A form is deactivated when the focus is set to another form.
Double-clicks an event on a form.
The event is triggered when the user double-clicks on the form body or on a protected field on the form.
Loads an event.
The event is triggered when the form is first loaded or shown. A form is loaded with the Load command or shown with the Show method.
Unloads an event.
The event is triggered when a form is closed, either by clicking the close box on the form or programmatically, using the Unload command.

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