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Runs administration-level batch administration commands.
The return string will contain either the requested data or information describing any errors that might have occurred. A return code is generated and may be retrieved with the FCBatchAdminCode internal function. A return string of text is generated and may be retrieved with the FCBatchAdminReply internal function.
BatchAdmin (batchcommand)
BatchAdmin takes the batchcommand argument and passes it to batch administration with administrator-level permissions.
BatchAdmin ("getadmin")
if FCBatchAdminCode <> 0 Then
        Print "Error with batch script!!!"
         Print "The error message is:"; FCBatchAdminReply
        Print "The Admin's account is:"; FCBatchAdminReply 'gets the admin user ID and prints it to the debug window
End If
Returns the current .fcx build number (as an integer value) of an application.
Build numbers are built into .fcx-compiled applications when they are entered on the Project Attributes form. This form is accessed by clicking Options on the Project tab in FCAS project manager.
If the optional argument applicationname is supplied, this function returns the build number of the specified application provided that it is loaded on the server. If the optional argument is not supplied, FCAppBuildNumber returns the build number of the calling application.
Returns the application description information (as a string) of an application.
Application description information strings are built into .fcx-compiled applications when they are entered in the FCAS Project Attributes form.
If the optional argument applicationname is supplied, this function returns the application description information of the specified application provided that it is loaded on the server. If the optional argument is not supplied, FCAppDescription returns the application description information of the calling application.
Returns the developer information (as a string) of an application.
Application developer information strings are built into .fcx-compiled applications when they are entered in the FCAS Project Attributes form.
If the optional argument applicationname is supplied, this function returns the developer information string of the specified application provided that it is loaded on the server. If the optional argument is not supplied, FCAppDeveloper returns the developer information string of the calling application.
Returns an application's icon resource number as a numeric value that is compiled into the application by FCAS.
If the optional application argument applicationname is omitted, the value returned is from the called application.
Returns the current load status of the application specified by the optional applicationname argument.
If no argument is specified, FCAppLoadState returns the load status of the calling application.
This function returns one of the following constants:
       FCAppLoaded - application is currently loaded by FCAS
       FCAppUnloaded - application is not loaded by FCAS
       FCAppUnloading - FCAS is unloading the application
       FCAppReloading - FCAS is reloading the application.
Returns the method by which the calling application was launched.
This function returns one of the following constants:
       FCServerLaunched - application is launched as server application
       FCSessionLaunched - application is launched at client login
       FCDebugLaunched - application is launched by FCAS in debug mode
       FCUserLaunched - application is launched from Desktop stationery
       FCAppLaunched - application is launched from another FCAS application.
Returns the name (a string value) of the calling application.
Returns the version number of FCAS currently running.
The version number is returned as a whole number integer representing the version number multiplied by 1000. For example, FCAS version 1.210 will return the value 1210, version 2.0 will return 2000, and so on.
This internal function is useful for determining backward compatibility issues between applications and FCAS.
FCAppServerVersion = 1210
Returns the number of application sessions currently in use on the FirstClass server.
If the optional argument applicationname is supplied, this function returns the number of application sessions currently in use by the specified application.
Returns the version number (as a string) of an application.
Application version strings are built into .fcx-compiled applications when they are entered in the FCAS Project Attributes form.
If the optional argument applicationname is supplied, this function returns the version number string of the specified application provided that it is loaded on the FirstClass server. If the optional argument is not supplied, FCAppVersion returns the version string of the calling application.
Sends a batch administration command to the FirstClass server and returns a result code.
The function returns the success or failure of the call as a numeric value. A non-zero result indicates an error has occurred; zero indicates success. Any data returned from the batch administration request (including explicit error messages) may be accessed via the FCBatchAdminReply function.
where batchstring is a single string argument that the FCBatchAdmin FirstClass internal function sends to FirstClass batch administration for processing.
Returns the last batch administration command's return code.
If FCBatchAdminCode returns a non-zero value, there has been an error with the last batch administration command executed.
Retrieves a string containing batch administration reply data supplied from the last FCBatchAdmin call.
Sub Main()
        If FCBatchAdmin ("GET ADMIN") = 0 Then
                Print "The Default Admin account is: ";
        End If
End Sub
Returns a constant value that is the platform on which the FirstClass client is currently being used.
FCClientPlatform returns one of the following values:
       fcCLUI - command line user interface
       fcDOS - DOS client
       fcFinger - Finger
       fcFTP - FTP
       fcGateway - gateway
       fcHTTP - HTTP
       fcIMAP - IMAP
       fcInternet - Internet Services
       fcJava - Java client
       fcLDAP - LDAP client
       fcMac OS - Mac OS client
       fcMAPI - MAPI
       fcNNTP - NNTP
       fcOfflineServer - offline server
       fcPersonalServer -FirstClass Personal server
       fcPOP - POP
       fcSMTP - SMTP
       fcUNIX - UNIX client
       fcUnknown - unknown client platform     
       fcVoice - Voice
       fcWindows - Windows client.
Returns an integer value that is the FirstClass client's version number.
Returns the current state of the Shift and Ctrl keys when an event occurs.
FCEventShiftState returns the following integer values based on the shift state:
       no special state - 0
       Shift key held - 1
       Ctrl key held - 2
       Shift and Ctrl keys held - 3.
Retrieves the FirstClass server's privilege group list into the FCPrivGroup array.
FCGetPrivGroups returns an integer indicating the total number of privilege groups in the current FirstClass server. After calling FCGetPrivGroups, an application may access the FCPrivGroup array to retrieve the names of the server's privilege groups.
Sub Main()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim NumGroups As Integer
         NumGroups = FCGetPrivGroups
End Sub
Returns the path (as a string) to the FirstClass server's main post office folder, regardless of platform.  
print FCPOFolder
Returns a string value which is the name of a privilege group.
The groupnum argument specifies the ordinal number, starting at 0 or the current array base index, of the privilege group in the group list. The internal function FCGetPrivGroup must be called to initiate the privilege group list.
Sub Main()
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim NumGroups As Integer
         NumGroup = FCGetPrivGroup
        For i = 0 to NumGroups -1
                Print FCPrivGroup(i)
        End If
End Sub
Obtains the return code from a process started by Spawn or Shell.
Returns an integer value that is the FirstClass server's serial number.
This function is often used for application licensing purposes.
Returns a string containing the first name of the user currently using the application.
Sub Main()
        Print "Your Account Information"
        Print "...................................."
        Print "First Name:"; FCUserFirstName
End Sub
Returns a string containing the user ID of the FirstClass user currently using the application.
Sub Main()
        Print "UserID:"; FCUserID
End Sub
Returns a string containing the last name of the FirstClass user currently using the application.
Sub Main()
        Print "Last Name:"; FCUserLastName
End Sub
Returns a string containing the middle initial of the FirstClass user currently using the application.
Sub Main()
        Print "Middle Initial:"; FCUserMI
End Sub
Returns a string containing the full user name of the FirstClass user currently using the application.
Sub Main()
        Print "Full Name:"; FCUserName
End Sub
Determines whether the user is in the specified privilege group.
If the user is not in the privilege group, or the privilege group specified does not exist, the function returns FALSE. If the user is in the privilege group specified, the function returns TRUE.
FCUserPrivGroup(privilege group)
Sub Main()
        If FCUserPrivGroup("Administrators") Then
                Print "You are a member of the 'Administrators' privilege group."
                Print "You are not a member of the 'Administrators' privilege group."
                Print "Access Denied"
                End             'terminate the program
        End If
End Sub

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