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Installing FirstClass Application Services (FCAS)
FCAS system requirements are found on our website at
Although you can install and run FCAS on the same machine as your FirstClass server and/or Internet Services, we recommend you run FCAS on a dedicated machine. As FCAS will use any available resources, you will notice a decrease in speed and performance on a machine with other services.
Installing FCAS on a dedicated machine
1       On the dedicated machine:
1.1     Launch the FCAS30xx.exe installation application.
1.2     Choose to install "FirstClass Application Services".
1.3     Browse to the destination folder, or accept the default.
1.4     Follow the remainder of the prompts to complete the installation.
2       On the FirstClass server machine:
2.1     Launch the FCAS30xx.exe installation application.
2.2     Choose to install "FCAS Batch Files".
2.3     Browse to:
Windows: drive:\FCServer\FCNS\Server\Batch.
Mac OS X: /Library/FirstClass Server/Volumes/Master/fcns/server/batch.
Linux: /var/opt/fcsd/volumes/master/fcns/server/batch
2.4     Follow the remainder of the prompts to complete the installation.
2.5     Open the Server Control form in the Core Services Folder on the administrator's Desktop.
2.6     Click Batch folder to process the batch admin files.
Installing FCAS on a machine with FirstClass server or Internet Services
1       Launch the FCAS30xx.exe installation application.
2       Choose to install "FirstClass Application Services".
3       Browse to the FCServer (Windows), or fcns (Mac OS X or Linux) folder.
4       Follow the remainder of the prompts to complete the installation.
5       Launch the FCAS30xx.exe installation application again.
6       Choose to install "FCAS Batch Files".
7       Browse to:
Windows: drive:\FCServer\FCNS\Server\Batch.
Mac OS X: /Library/FirstClass Server/Volumes/Master/fcns/server/batch.
Linux: /var/opt/fcsd/volumes/master/fcns/server/batch
8       Follow the remainder of the prompts to complete the installation.
9       FirstClass 8.3 only:
Open the Server Control form in the Core Services Folder on the administrator's Desktop and click "Batch folder" to process the batch admin files.
FirstClass 8.2 and older:
Restart the FirstClass server to process the batch admin files.

Configuring FCAS
New installation and upgrade installation
The FCAS gateway enables the FCAS application to talk to the FirstClass server. For security, You must immediately set a password for for the FCAS gateway.
Open the Gateways & Services folder on the administrator's Desktop.
Open the FCAS gateway form.
By default, "Service Name" is FCAS and "Service account number" is 5000000000 (5 billion). If you have several clustered FCAS services, each will have a unique name.

1       Click Directory on the FCAS gateway form.
2       Enter a password.
3       Double-click the fcas.fc settings file inside the FCAS folder created during the installation (on the dedicated machine, or in the FCServer/FirstClass Server folder).
This will bring up a FirstClass login form.
4       Click Setup.
5       Enter the:
User ID (5000000000)
Password (this must be the same one as in step 2)
Server (IP address of your FirstClass server, or if FCAS is installed on the server machine).
6       Click Save.
7       Log into the FCAS administrator's Desktop using the FCAS settings file to ensure the password works.

8       Log out of the FCAS account.
Upgrade installation from RAD only
1       To ensure your source code can be found by the development environment, move the FCRAD folder from the FCNS directory on the server to the folder containing the FCAS executable file.
2       Upload any .fcx files that you wish to run with RAD from the FCRAD folder to the Online Applications folder located in the Clustered Services > FCAS Config folder on the administrator's Desktop.
Applications in this folder will be available to users by default, using the gateway name in the RAD.DLL field of the RAD Install stationery.
3       Set up any ODBC datasources needed by your applications if you are setting up FCAS on a different machine than your server.

FCAS naming conventions
When you name FirstClass objects such as forms and fields, and code elements such as variables, constants, and subroutines, these names must:
       begin with a letter
       contain only letters, numbers, and the underscore character (_)
       be no longer than 255 characters
       differ from the names of BASIC operators and logical operators such as OR, AND, MOD, and NOT.

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