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Editing area code files in the Naarea folder
Files in the Naarea folder have to be edited on 3 occasions:
�       You must edit the local area code file(s) when you install Voice Services.
�       If the local calling area changes.
�       When a new area code is added within your country code.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
Any changes made to the area code or country code files require a Voice Services restart to take effect.
Editing the local area code file
If there are both local and long distance exchanges within your area code, or there are both local and long distance exchanges in a neighboring area code, the administrator must edit the file(s) for the local area code(s) when installing Voice Services. Voice Services uses the information in these files to determine if calls are local or long distance.
1       Open the file for your area code in a text editor.
Do not use a word processing program as you do not want to add any formatting to the file.18102005_35854_2.png
2       Place an asterisk (*) before each city in which every exchange is a local call.
In the example above, all exchanges listed beside Markham and Bethesda are local calls.
3       Add new lines to the file as required to make it accurate.
The file format must follow these rules:
�       If you add an asterisk, it must be on the first character space.
�       Do not put a space between the asterisk and the city.
�       There must be at least 2 spaces between the city and the exchanges.
�       Exchanges can be separated by a comma or a space (not both).
4       Restart Voice Services.
If the local calling area changes
When the local phone company expands the toll-free calling area, the administrator will have to edit the file for the local area code. Follow the instructions from Editing the local area code file.
When a new area code is added
When a new area code is added, create a new file for that area code and add the city and exchange information. Do this whether it is a local area or not, to ensure users receive accurate call information. If no file exists for the area code, Voice Services cannot determine where the call originated.
To create a new file:
1       Open a new document in a text editor.
Do not use a word processing program as you do not want to add any formatting to the file.
2       Enter the area code in the top left corner.
3       Press Enter to go to the next line.
4       Enter the first city (alphabetically) on the fifth space of the second line.
If it is a local calling area from your area code, precede it with an asterisk (*).
If all exchanges in the area code are local, do not add an asterisk in front of each city. Instead, add it to the Windows Telephony settings.
5       Follow the city name with at least 2 spaces.
6       Enter the exchanges for that city, separating each by either a space or a comma (not both).
Enter all exchanges on one line. Do not put any hard returns in the line.
7       Save the file in \FCServer\vs\Naarea\ as Area###.pre (where ### is the new 3-digit area code).
8       Close the file.
9       Restart Voice Services.

Editing country code files in the Country folder
You may wish to build additional files for the Country folder if users receive calls from any country outside of the local country code. Do this to ensure users receive accurate call information. If no file exists for the country, Voice Services will not be able to determine where the call originated.
To create a new file:
1       Open a new document in Notepad.
Do not use a word processing program as you do not want to add any formatting to the file.
2       Enter the country code in the top left corner.
3       Press Enter to go to the next line.
4       Enter any comments about the file or the country code preceeded by *.
Any line preceeded by * will be ignored by Voice Services.
5       Enter an area code within the country code.
6       Leave 2 spaces.
7       Enter the first city corresponding to the area code on the third space after the area code.
8       Press Enter to go to the next line.
9       Enter all the known area codes and cities within the country code by repeating steps 5 to 8.
This example is a country code file for country code 32 (Belgium):
10      Save the file in \FCServer\vs\Country as cc###.code (where ### is the country code).
11      Close the file.
12      Restart Voice Services.

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