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Clustering Voice Services
If you have multiple Voice Services locations that you want to run against a central FirstClass server, you can use a method called clustering. To configure clustering, you need to modify and run the clustering batch administration script:
1       Copy the contents of the FCS VS Cluster Script batch admin file into the body of a new message.
2       Replace the numbers in the first script line beside EXIT with the version number of the FirstClass server you are running (for example, if you are running version 5.922, replace the current version numbers with 5922).
3       Replace all instances of <GatewayName> with the name of the new gateway. (Replace the chevrons as well.)
A logical name for each new Voice Services server would be the location name or the PBX type if you do not have duplicate PBX types being clustered, or the city where the Voice Services machine is located or serving.
4       Replace all instances of <GatewayUserID> with the user ID for the new gateway. (Replace the chevrons as well.)
This can be the same as the gateway name from step 4.
5       Send the message to batch administration to run the batch admin script.
6       Repeat the above steps for each Voice Services you want clustered to one FirstClass server.
Once batch admin has run, there will be a new folder on the administrator’s Desktop named Clustered Services. (If you have already created this folder by clustering other Voice Services or Internet Services, the batch admin script will detect the existing folder.) Inside the Clustered Services folder will be a folder for each clustered service created. The folder name will be the gateway name, followed by ‘config’. For instance, if your gateway name is Meridian, the folder name will be Meridian config. There will be a Voice Services Administration form and a Voice Services Monitor in the folder. You must fill in the Voice Services Administration form for each clustered Voice Services module.
7       Locate the new gateway in the Gateways folder on the administrator’s Desktop.
Open the Gateway settings form and enter a password for the gateway. You must enter the same password on both gateways (the one on the Voice Services machine and the one on the FirstClass server).
Never delete the original Voice Services folder from the administrator’s Desktop.

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