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You can arrange to have your user statistics log analysis performed automatically using the Log Analyzer scheduler. In this section, you configure the scheduler to start generating user statistics reports at a specified time.

Scheduling your log analysis tasks
Set up a schedule for processing user statistics files and generating reports by following these steps:
1       Click Settings in the Log Analyzer main window.
2       Verify that multiple input file processing has been set up.
3       Click Schedule.
4       Select "Start Scheduler at".
5       Choose the frequency and start time of tasks from the pulldown menus under "Schedule".
6       Enter the operating system password for the user specified at "User Account Name".
        This only needs to be done once unless you delete the task and set up a new one.
7       If you chose Weekly at "Schedule Task"
        Specify the weekly interval between tasks and select the days of the week they are to be performed under "Schedule Task Weekly".
8       If you chose Monthly at "Schedule Task"
        Enter the day of the month and select the months the tasks are to be performed under "Schedule Task Monthly".
If you scheduled tasks to be performed more than once, but only want the latest statistics file to be processed each time rather than every statistics file in the Input Files folder, select "Process Previous Day Log File Only".
81203_42521_14.png        Note
Once the task is set, it will appear in the Scheduled Tasks folder in the Windows Control Panel. You can delete it here to stop the task or set up a new one, but it is unnecessary as the task can be disabled or modified within the Log Analyzer.

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