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Viewing reports within the Log Analyzer
The Log Analyzer will always generate user statistics reports after it has finished processing the user statistics files. Depending on your view settings in Preferences, reports are either displayed immediately after processing or by clicking View in the Log Analyzer main window.
By default, the Log Analyzer will display the data from all of the statistics files that it has processed (except for those not included due to Exclude filtering) in the Summary Report window.
To view the statistics for specific dates, click the pulldown menu from "Input File Name" in the Summary Report window and choose the appropriate statistics file (each statistics file is named according to the date that it was created).
The general statistics for the login types you selected in Detail Statistics are displayed under Summary in the Summary Report window, and in graphical form in Charts. Specific information for each type, including the most frequent users, can be accessed by clicking the corresponding icon either under the Details column in Summary or on the toolbar at the top of the window.
The enhanced activity statistics you selected in Detail Statistics can be accessed both on the toolbar and the sidebar. This information is displayed in separate windows as multi-column lists. Like multi-column lists in FirstClass, these lists are collapsible and can be sorted by column.
You can get additional information about an item on a multi-column list by double-clicking on it. For example, double-clicking on one of the user IDs listed in the User Activity window will open up a separate list of every action performed by that particular user on that day.

Viewing external reports
If you have enabled external reports, the Log Analyzer will generate external reports that you can view outside of the Log Analyzer. These reports are located in the folder that you specified in "Report Output Location" in Report.
If you chose to have your reports generated in HTML format, the filename for the main page is "index.html". The detailed statistics for the information you selected under "Report Information" in Report are on separate pages, the links to which can be found along the sidebar on the main page.
If you chose to have your reports generated in TXT or DOC format, the filename for the main document is "Summary.txt" or "Summary.doc" respectively. The detailed statistics for the information you selected under "Report Information" in Report are on separate documents in your report output folder.

Viewing DiskUse reports
The Log Analyzer will always generate DiskUse reports after it has finished processing the disk use statistics file. The data from the statistics file are displayed in the DiskUse Report window.
If you selected "Show Top 10 Disk Space Users" in your DiskUse report preferences, you will have access to the DiskUse Volume Details window, which displays the top ten list by volume. To open this window, click the Volume Details button either on the toolbar or beside the "Input File Name" field in the DiskUse Report window.

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