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To use the Log Analyzer and get statistics reports, you must:
•       Installing and configuring the Log Analyzer
        These are initial tasks that you perform once.
•       Generating the reports.
        These are the regular tasks that you perform whenever you wish to generate your statistics reports.

Installing and configuring the Log Analyzer
To ensure that you can use the Log Analyzer properly on your system, you must perform the following initial tasks:
1       Install the Log Analyzer on your client machine.
2       Create the Input Files folder on your client machine.
3       Download the statistics files from your server.
4       Set the initial configuration parameters for your Log Analyzer.

Generating the reports
To ensure that the process of generating the statistics reports is a smooth one, you must perform the following tasks:
1       Set the processing parameters.
2       Download the latest statistics files from the server.
3       Process the statistics files to generate the reports.

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