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72203_112759_0.pngCollecting information

9203_31808_2.png Gathering and storing information traditionally
In a traditional classroom setting, students may gather information by scouring books in the library, and then photocopying pages or taking notes. They may also surf the Internet, conduct interviews, visit museums, take pictures, and so on. The collected information would be compiled and stored in a binder until needed. The problem with this method of gathering information is that one person would be responsible for keeping it safe, and it may be difficult for others to review it. Another potential problem is that students might each be responsible for their own sections, but if somebody is absent when the project is being compiled, this can set the group back.
FirstClass can solve these issues by centralizing the location of all the information. Information is stored within the project conference, so all of the team members have access to it.
9203_31808_2.png FirstClass is an information organizer
FirstClass is an excellent means of storing information, regardless of where or how it was collected. Students can post all of their information in one location as it is gathered using a series of FirstClass documents. As they gather the information, they can:
•       paste information from the Internet into a document or message
•       subscribe the conference to a newsgroup so it is automatically populated
•       type information into a document or message from materials gathered from books or other sources
•       photocopy material and fax it to a Mailbox, then drag it into the conference
•       call into a Mailbox and leave a voice message containing information, then drag the message into the conference.
This conference shows the various types of input that can be collected.

9203_31808_2.png The next step
Once the information has been gathered, team members will have to compile all of it into a project.

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