Creating multiple blocking lists
You can create multiple blocking lists containing objectionable words and phrases specific to your FirstClass site. These documents work similarly to the rules.SubjectBlock document: SMTP mail rules uses them to cue Internet Services to add spam scores based on specific tests. However, blocking lists go one step further; they check numerous fields in a mail message instead of just the "Subject" field.
How to create lists documents
Lists documents must reside in the Filters folder and have a unique name prefixed with the word 'lists'. For example,
• lists.reallybadwords, which adds 100 points to the spam level
• lists.moderatelybadwords, which adds 50 points to the spam level
• lists.questionablebadwords, which adds 25 points to the spam level.
If you want to fine tune spam scoring for your site, you can set your own spam levels on the Mail Rules subtab on the Basic Internet Setup form.
How the rules.MailRules file uses lists files
The rules.MailRules file contains rules to test the content of message fields against undesirable words and phrases you've added to your lists files. If you create your own unique lists, you must either change the name in the existing rule or add rules for each of your lists files to enable this feature. For example, if you create these lists in your Filters folder
• lists.mylists
• lists.myclasslists
• lists.myschoollists
you would have these rules in the rules.MailRules file:
Subject: IF (@inwordlist("lists.mylists", $subject)) SET $spamlevel += 100 AND $spamtests += "SUBJECT_IN_LIST;"
Subject: IF (@inwordlist("lists.myclasslists", $subject)) SET $spamlevel += 50 AND $spamtests += "SUBJECT_IN_LIST2;"
Subject: IF (@inwordlist("lists.myschoollists", $subject)) SET $spamlevel += 25 AND $spamtests += "SUBJECT_IN_LIST3;".