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Use this form to search for objects.
The text you want to find. If you type multiple words, FirstClass assumes that all words specified must be found (the same behavior you would see if you preceded each word with +). To specify that a word must not occur, precede it with -. To specify that an exact phrase must occur, enclose the phrase in double quotation marks.
Search listable information
Searches all information that can be displayed in List view.
Search subconferences & folders
Searches the parent container plus any subcontainers. This may increase search time significantly.
Search content
Searches the content and headers of objects. This may increase search time significantly.
Search history records
Searches the names in objects' histories. This may increase search time significantly.
Search attachment names
Searches the names of files attached to objects. This is not applicable to external folders or drives. To find all objects with attachments, select this and leave "Find" blank.
Search "From" name
Searches message senders' names. This is not applicable to external folders or drives. This is useful for finding all messages sent by a specific person.
Search "To/Cc" names
Searches recipients' names in the "To" and "Cc" fields of messages. This is not applicable to external folders or drives.
Include items created or modified in the last
Choose a time period, or type the number of days, to retrieve only objects created or modified during this period.

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