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Use this form to customize the look of a selected paragraph.
The paragraph alignment (aligned to left margin, aligned to right margin, or centered).
Space above
The number of pixels above the paragraph.
Line space
The amount of space between lines within the paragraph, calculated as a percentage of the text height.
The number of pixels to indent the whole paragraph from the left margin, the first line from the left margin, and the whole paragraph from the right margin. To indent to the next tab stop, click >. To outdent to the previous tab stop, click <.
Tab stops
New tab
The number of pixels from the left margin to set a new tab stop. After you specify this value, click Add to List.
Tab list
All custom tab stops that you have added. To delete a custom tab stop, select it, then click Clear Selected.
The number of pixels between all default tab stops.
Save as Default button
Saves this paragraph formatting as the default.
Use Default button
Reverts this paragraph formatting to the default.

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