Internet Services supports a variety of powerful security features to protect your system from annoying spam, unsafe SMTP relaying, Denial of Service attacks (DoS), and viruses on mail attachments.
Handling spam
You can control and manage spam on your system (see Handling spam) using these options:
• use and customize documents in the Filters folder
• customize built-in mail SMTP mail rules
• Realtime Blackhole List (RBL) support
• check the IP address of servers trying to log in to your site
• enforce limits to message crossposting.
Handling relaying
You can control relaying on your system by totally disallowing relaying on your site or providing only certain users or groups to relay (see Handling relaying).
Controlling unwanted outside connections (DoS attacks)
You can control unwanted outside connections using these options (see Controlling unwanted connections):
• reject or accept connections based on IP addresses you've added to your filter documents in the Filters folder
• register strikes against your system from SMTP servers that repeatedly attempt to deliver spam to your site
• hold unwanted connections in a temporary blackhole
• monitor system abuse and configure Internet Services to trigger warnings from unwanted connections.
Sending secure mail
You can send encrypted mail by using S/MIME messages (see Sending secure mail).
Controlling system viruses
You can check all mail for viruses using Symantec AntiVirus scan engine (see Controlling system viruses).