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Form sections
Use this form to provide information about links in containers.
The name of the link.
A description of the link.

Info section
Use this section to specify general link properties.
The icon that represents this link. To change the icon, type the new icon's ID number.
The type of object to which this link points (the target object).
The size of the link.
The path to the link.
The URL of the target object. To change the URL, use the field in the Advanced section.
Who created the link.
When the link was created.
When the link was last changed.
When the link will expire and be deleted.
Expire in
The value Default represents the number of days defined by your administrator as the default expiry period. If you choose Other, fill in the number of days until the link will expire.
For existing links, the "days" field shows the number of days left before the link expires. If the link will never expire, this field is blank. The value Expired means that the link will be deleted in the next trash collection, as scheduled by your administrator.
Prevents the link from being changed, moved, or deleted.
Auto open
Makes the link automatically open the target object if the link is unread. Auto open occurs when someone opens the container in which this link is located.

Advanced section
Use this section to specify the URL, the type of URL, and where applicable, connection information needed to access the target object.
The address of the target object.
To create a mailto link, type mailto: then the URL.
Type of URL
URL types are:
• Internet URL
A link to a web page.
• FirstClass public URL
A link, usable by others, to an object on a FirstClass server.
• FirstClass private URL.
A link, only usable by you, to an object on a FirstClass server.
Site name
The server domain name. Doesn't apply to Internet URLs.
Site ID
The serial number of the server. Doesn't apply to Internet URLs.
The path to the target object. Doesn't apply to Internet URLs.
User ID
The user ID you use to log into the server containing the target object. Only applies to FirstClass private URLs.
The password you use to log into the server containing the target object. For security, you may not want to provide this information. If supplied, it will show as plain text. Only applies to FirstClass private URLs.

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