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Use this form to set properties for a contact database and give others access to it.
Form to use
The default form to open in this contact database. The value Classic uses a form familiar to users of pre-8.0 versions of FirstClass. Palm uses a form that will be familiar to users of Palm™ Computing connected organizers. Outlook uses a form that will be familiar to users of Outlook Express. Default uses the form selected as the default by your administrator or the form you chose in your viewing preferences, if you chose something other than the default form.
Use List layout from server
Makes the sorting and grouping defaults in List view come from the server, rather than the users' view properties. Normally, you would leave this field clear, because you are imposing your defaults on others when it is selected.
The names of the users and user groups for whom you want to specify levels of access to the contact database. Type a name at "Add permissions for", choose the position in the list where you want the name to appear, then click Go. The order in which you list users and groups matters.
To remove a name, click the Delete icon beside it. To move a name, add it where you want it to be located, then delete the original.
Choose the access level for each user and group you entered at "Who".
Customize the individual permissions for this access level, if required.
List of subscribers
The names of the users to whom you want to give direct access to the contact database. Users specified at "Who" won't see the contact database unless you subscribe them. When you do this, the contact database appears on their Desktops.
Enter users' names in the field just as you would when addressing a message, then click Add Subscriber. To remove a subscriber, click the Delete icon beside that subscriber.

Access levels
Access levels are predefined sets of individual permissions. You can assign an access level as is, or customize it by selecting and clearing individual permissions.
Can't access the contact database.
View List
Can open the contact database and address messages to entries in it, but can't open contact database entries.
Open Items
Has all View List permissions, and can open contact database entries, but can't update them or add new entries.
Has all Open Items permissions, and can update and create contact database entries.
Access is defined by the individual permissions which are selected. If you customize another access level, it automatically becomes the Custom access level.

Order in the "Who" field
You must list users and user groups in the "Who" field in the correct order, to make their permissions work as you want. Make sure you are familiar with the access levels available, before deciding on the order in which to enter your users and groups.
When a user tries to access the contact database, FirstClass checks the "Who" list from the top. When it finds the first occurrence of the user or a group to which the user belongs, it uses that access level for the user. This means that if the first thing you list is the All Users group, and make the access level for this group Disallowed, no one will be able to access the contact database.

Individual permissions
The icons in the "Permissions" column represent individual permissions. To see what each permission icon means, display its tooltip. To turn a permission on or off, select or clear the checkbox beneath it.
81203_42521_14.png Note
Certain permissions only work if the administrator has given the user privileges to perform associated tasks. If a user can't do something in your contact database, and you gave that user permission, tell the user to contact the administrator.
These are the individual permissions you can assign:
Edit permissions
Can edit this Permissions form. This includes adding users and groups at "Who", and adding users at "List of subscribers".
Not applicable to contact databases.
Delete any item
Can delete any entry, including entries created by others.
Create items
Can create entries, and move entries into the contact database.
Edit read-only items
Not applicable to contact databases.
Edit items
Can edit entries.
Save window and view properties
Can change the default sorting and grouping of the contact database page in List view. Be cautious about selecting this permission, because a user with this permission is dictating the default contact database List view for other users.
Approve items
Not applicable to contact databases.
Delete own items
Can delete and change the properties of entries they have added.
Open conference
Can open the contact database. This lets users see the entries in the contact database, but not open them.
Search items
Can search the contact database.
Open items
Can open entries.
Create subconferences
Can create containers in this contact database.
Download files & attachments
Can download files attached to personal addresses.
View permissions
Can view this Permissions form.

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